
Maryland expands driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants

(Español) Este año Maryland se suma a otros 6 estados en el país que otorgaran licencia de conducir a los indocumentados; y aunque es el único o primer estado de la Costa Este en brindar licencias a los inmigrantes indocumentados, comienza a notarse ya una incipiente tendencia nacional, dice la prensa.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Trust Act sea change on treatment of immigrants in California, says legislator

(Español) Antes del Acta de la Confianza fueron deportadas de California unas cien mil personas, la mayoría padres de familia y sin antecedentes criminales.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Arpaio: too expensive to follow non-discrimination court order

(Español) Arpaio, quién nunca ha aceptado que sus agentes discriminan a los latinos, tendrá que cumplir con las órdenes del juez federal.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Junot Díaz: “This Is How You Lose Her”.

A Dominican-American writer, Junot Díaz talks in this interview in Oakland, CA, about his most recent bestseller “This Is How You Lose Her,” a collection of stories about relationships gone sour. He won the 2008 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for his novel “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.” Guest: Junot Díaz,  Writer, Professor of […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Education, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

California TRUST Act goes into effect Jan 1st, expected to lower deportations

(Español) En California han sido deportadas más de cien mil personas, la mayoría sin ningún tipo de antecedente penal y sin haber cometido faltas graves.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Denuncian abusos contra latinos en retén de sobriedad

(Español) Benjamin Wood adelantó que en dos semanas llevarán su denuncia al Concejo Municipal de Baldwin Park.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Primero de enero: Inicia cobertura del mercado de seguros de salud

(Español) “Todos nos vamos a ver beneficiados, es un primer paso hacia la cobertura Universal, hay que seguir trabajando, especialmente para lograr cubrir a la gente que se ha quedado afuera, a la gente indocumentada, que necesitan cobertura médica, que necesitan del gobierno cierto tipo de ayuda.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Youth and Elders Use Traditional Filipino Lanterns to Enlighten Community

During Christmas in the Phillipines, star-shaped lanterns called parols light up streets and windows. In California, a group of Filipino immigrants in San Francisco has been making parol lanterns together for a little more than a decade, and community organizations have a contest to see who makes the best parol representing the theme of the year. This year, the theme was Enlightenment for All, in the context of gay marriage and the Typhoon Haiyan. Over the years, youth have been collaborating more and more with their elders, and both generations share ideas to innovate the tradition

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Latest News |

The Story of a Father Deported Days Before Christmas

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, recently announced that in the last year, close to 370,000 people were deported from the U.S. Immigrant rights defenders decried the fact that the government continues to deport tens of thousands of people without criminal records each year, despite having announced that they would not be a priority. From Arizona, Valeria Fernández has the story of a father recently deported to Guatemala, who is still hopeful he can return to his family.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Border activist hopeful for 2014 immigration reform

(Español) Por lo menos tres congresistas federales republicanos, una de La Florida y dos de California apoyan ahora la propuesta de reforma en los términos de los demócratas y con una opción de ciudadanía para los indocumentados.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

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