
(Español) Aprueban el Acta de la Esperanza Real para los ‘soñadores’

(Español) Se espera que la iniciativa de ley conocida ahora como el “acta de la esperanza real” pase sin contratiempo por la Cámara y sea firmada por el gobernador, Jay Inslee.

Posted in Education, Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Remembering Pioneering Poet.

  José Montoya inspired generations of students, farm workers and activists to be courageous and fight for their rights through civic participation and art. After working in the fields picking grapes as a child, he became a trail blazer, poet laureate of Sacramento and one of the most influential figures in California Latino history. This […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Education, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Living in the Shadows: The Challenge of Treating Refugees With PTSD

In 2012, more that 58,000 refugees were resettled in the United States. “These are truly survivors of war or survivors of torture, so in that case we see a high frequency of post-traumatic stress disorder and that are difficult to treat and at times also difficult to recognize,” said Marco Gemignani, who teaches psychology at Duquesne University and works with refugees at Catholic Charities Health Clinic.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) La ciudad de Plainfield retira documento de identificación personal

(Español) El programa había sido aprobado a finales de noviembre por la entonces alcaldesa, Sharon Robinson, dice la fuente. Ella había asegurado en su momento que el documento pretendía ayudar a la comunidad más vulnerable de la ciudad de Plainfield, con 50 mil habitantes de los que el 41 por ciento es latino.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

Rep. Ryan skeptical pf immigration reform legislation in 2014

(Español) Uno de los argumentos del legislador conservador es la desconfianza que dice tener en el presidente Obama, pues afirma que una vez cumplida la prioridad de reforzar al máximo la frontera, “no es seguro que esta administración ejecute puntualmente la ley”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Quieren sumar a La Florida a los estados con licencia para indocumentados

(Español) La Conferencia Nacional de Legislaturas Estatales (NCSL) señala que en 2013 las legislaturas de 25 estados contemplaron esa posibilidad, pero de momento sólo 11 estados otorgan licencias a personas indocumentadas, según el Centro Nacional de Leyes Migratorias.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Boletín de Visas Febrero de 2014

(Español) Antes de presentar su solicitud para la residencia permanente legal por medio del patrocinio familiar revise su fecha de prioridad de acuerdo a su nacionalidad y
preferencia familiar.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Living in the Shadows: Mexican father released from prison based on psychological evidence

Juan Rodela had been imprisoned in the Stewart Immigration Detention Center in Georgia and was on his third lawyer when a change in his defense strategy resulted in his surprising liberation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Living in the Shadows: Bhutanese Refugees Face a High Suicide Rate

The global suicide rate per 100,000 people is 16. The U.S. rate for the general population is 12.4. A study done last year found the Bhutanese rate is higher — 20.3 among refugees resettled in the U.S. and 20.7 among those in the refugee camps in Nepal. While there were suicide deaths reported among other refugee groups during that time, the numbers are not as high.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Immigration reform largely absent from State of the Union

President Obama used his State of the Union address to promote consequential action this year, in a veiled reference to the lack of legislative results from one house of Congress. Obama announced several executive actions, including an order to increase minimum wage for employees of companies with contracts with the federal government. Many applauded the promises. But the brief words Obama dedicated to immigration reform disappointed some community leaders and did not find an echo among Republicans either, who are exploring supporting a limited legalization without a path to citizenship. José López Zamorano reports.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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