
(Español) La SB1070 benefició a Brewer, los indocumentados son afectados con la ley

(Español) Arizona ha perdido sumas multimillonarias en el turismo, ha gastado una fortuna defendiendo la medida en las cortes, y los inmigrantes siguen pagando las consecuencias.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Regresan inmigrantes indocumentados a Alabama, a pesar de la ley

(Español) Residentes latinos de esta ciudad han señalado a Radio Bilingüe que muchas personas indocumentadas que huyeron del estado han regresado, y que la aplicación de las partes de la ley que todavía sigue en vigor ha sido parcial.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Legisladoras mexicanas impulsan movimiento bi nacional en favor de los migrantes.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino, Politics |

Living in the Shadows: No Bail and No Healthcare

In Arizona, undocumented immigrants who are arrested are held without bail, even when they need healthcare. One undocumented woman with breast cancer was preparing for a mastectomy, when she was arrested and accused of identity theft. Just days before her programmed surgery, Valeria Fernández interviewed her in jail.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Mexico-US Guestworkers.

When Canada, the U.S. and Mexico signed NAFTA, they also signed labor accords and the receiving country agreed to provide the same labor protections to migrant workers as to viagra online real their national workers. Migrant rights groups have complained that farmworkers and fair and carnaval workers suffer unequal treatment and are often paid below […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

Living in the Shadows: Children Who Witness Parent’s Immigration Arrest May Suffer Lifetime Health Consequences

Every day more than 1,000 immigrants on average are deported from the United States, and many of them are parents who were arrested and handcuffed in front of their children, before they were taken to a detention center to wait for their deportation. Over time, this means that hundreds of thousands of children are at risk of high level of trauma exposure.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Immigration Reform: Private Prisons.

A commission of current and formerly undocumented leaders sent formal recommendations to President Obama on steps his administration can take to expand relief programs and reduce the harm of current deportation practices. Meantime, people with relatives in detention are fasting in front of the White House and immigrant detainees in a month-long hunger strike and […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Se reúne Obama con líderes de fe para impulsar reforma migratoria

(Español) La inmigrante, Ernestina Hernández se sumó al ayuno fuera de la Casa Blanca para lograr el reingreso de su esposo, quien fue deportado a México.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) Piden al Presidente detener las deportaciones hasta que se apruebe la reforma

(Español) California tiene la mayor comunidad de inmigrantes indocumentados, la mayoría de ellos en familias con condiciones migratorias mixtas, que incluyen a residentes legales y ciudadanos estadunidenses en el seno de una misma familia.

Posted in Immigration, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

(Español) La cruz en el pecho y el diablo en los hechos

(Español) Pero para estos políticos los valores familiares sí terminan en el Río Grande o dondequiera que haya entrado un inmigrante para buscar una mejor vida para su familia o para volver a estar con hijos y nietos ciudadanos cuando son deportados tras décadas de vivir en Estados Unidos. O quizá los valores familiares sólo aplican a quienes lucen como ellos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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