
(Español) Empantanados en la demagogia antinmigrante republicana

(Español) ¿Tendrán alguna otra “brillante” sorpresa en las próximas semanas los señores Abbott y DeSantis para seguir satanizando a los indocumentados, sus víctimas favoritas? ¿O seguirán jugando el juego de “lo que hace la mano, hace la tras” para demostrar cuán antinmigrantes son? No se esfuercen más, ya todo mundo lo sabe.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

(Español) Medidas electoreras de Greg Abbott desnudan su ansiedad por alcanzar la Casa Blanca

(Español) “¿Qué significa para un inmigrante indocumentado vivir en una ciudad fronteriza en Texas sin identificación oficial?”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 19 PROGRAM # 9597 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The day after Tax Day, a community organizer reflects on the billions of dollars undocumented workers contribute to the public treasure and how three out of four undocumented workers are considered essential in pandemic times and still, they continue being excluded from public benefits, […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Critican a Abbott por desplazar a la Guardia Nacional a la frontera con fines electorales

(Español) Abbott ordenó inspecciones secundarias que provocaron más de una semana de atascos dejando atorados a los camioneros por horas y días.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Texas Lone Star Operation Could be a Major Diversion of Public Funds

A year after the launch of the billion-dollar Operation Lone Star along Texas’ southern border, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott says the campaign has been a resounding success in stopping the flow of undocumented immigrants and drug traffickers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

(Español) Ucranianos en busca de asilo en Tijuana, con diferente suerte que otros migrantes

(Español) Ningún ruso se hallaba hospedado en el campo deportivo Benito Juárez, sólo ucranianos con pasaporte ucraniano, aunque algunos hablan ruso, dijo Jerry. Ningún ucraniano necesita visa pzara entrar a México, “incluso antes de la guerra”, concluyó el voluntario.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

(Español) La tragicomedia del debate migratorio 

(Español) “Es un libreto desgastado y predecible en una obra donde únicamente cambian los actores. La única constante sigue siendo el cúmulo de eternos protagonistas: los millones de indocumentados que continúan en el limbo”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 12 PROGRAM # 9590 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. One year after launching the multi-billion Operation Lone Star, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is claiming success in his crusade to stop migrants and drug traffickers at the Southern border. But after a nine-month investigation, reporters found these claims to be based on inflated figures […]

Posted in Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Maneuvering on Capitol Hill to Delay End of Migrant Removal Policy

The Biden administration has officially announced the end of the controversial measure known as Title 42, the Trump-era order that allows migrants to be expelled without due process by invoking the public health emergency of the pandemic.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Calls to Fix Census’ Undercount of Latino, Blacks, and Native Americans

The Census Bureau has acknowledged that more than 3 million Latinos were not counted in the last census. Millions of Latinos being left out of the population registry would mean fewer resources for families and communities and less political influence.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

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