
(Español) Grises y coincidencias antinmigrantes en el bando republicano

(Español) ¿Qué quieren decir Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush y Scott Walker cuando afirman que es necesario “asegurar la frontera” antes que considerar una solución para los más de 11 millones de indocumentados en nuestro entorno?

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Bill Against Wage Theft Advances in California

The state Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from workers and businessmen and passed the bill SB 588, introduced by senate president Kevin de León, to confront dishonest businesses that steal wages from their employees and undermine owners of companies who do respect the law. The measure still has a long path before becoming law, but it has gained impulse with the support of this first legislative forum. Marco Vinicio González has the story.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Inmigración, elecciones y sabiduría popular

(Español) De Marco Rubio dijo “no me parece sincero” porque primero apoyó la reforma migratoria y después no. De Jeb Bush indicó lo que quizá piensen otros hispanos: “parece sincero, ha apoyado la reforma migratoria que su hermano también la apoyó, habla español y su esposa es mexicana”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Former Guest Workers Welcome Proposed Protections

This is happening at the same time as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report that describes fundamental problems in the program, that have to do with the ease with which widespread abuse against guest workers occurs. Many former guest workers say it’s urgent to impose more protections under the law. Our correspondent in Mexico, Raúl Silva, reports. This feature story is part of our series “Voy Contratado: Migrant Rights”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, APRIL 21. PROGRAM # 7504 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. After hearing oral arguments, a panel of three judges from the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has now to decide soon on a request to provide an emergency stay for DAPA and DACA. Hundreds held rallies outside the courthouse. Guests analysts comment on the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

(Español) La esperanza es lo último que se pierde

(Español) Tengo la esperanza de que por el bando demócrata, la aspirante o los aspirantes, si alguno da un paso al frente, se abstengan de hacer promesas que no pueden cumplir, que asuman posturas migratorias claras y concretas y sepan apreciar el apoyo que, pese a todo, tienen entre los votantes latinos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Abuse Reported Against Transgender Immigrants in Detention

(Español) En Arizona, grupos a favor de los derechos de los inmigrantes y de las personas gay, lesbianas y transgénero se están uniendo en torno a una nueva campaña para pedir la liberación inmediata de las mujeres transgénero, de los centros de detención masculinos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Denuncian abuso hacia inmigrantes transgénero en centros de detención

A few days ago, a group marched in the gay pride parade in Phoenix to attract more attention to the case of a transgender woman from Guatemala who is being held in a detention center in Florence, while her political asylum petition is considered. Valeria Fernández reports.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Entrada en vigor de DACA y DAPA podría evaluarse mañana en la Corte de Apelaciones

(Español) De ser rechazada en la 5ta. de Apelaciones, el caso podría pasar a la Suprema Corte, donde sus integrantes dirimirían finalmente si el alivio migratorio procede o no. Si la Suprema Corte tomara en sus manos el caso podría ser favorable pues ya en 2012 respaldó al gobierno federal en torno a su discrecionalidad.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

North Charleston and Pasco: Parallels. Also, Anxious Wait on DAPA/DACA.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15. PROGRAM # 7500 12:00 PM PT North Charleston and Pasco: Parallels. A White police officer in South Carolina was charged with murder of an unarmed African American man and the witness who recorded the incriminating video that shocked the nation was Dominican Feidin Santana. Guest analysts look into this story and revisit […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

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