
Supermarket Chain El Súper Fined for Wage Theft

California’s Labor Commission found that the company did not pay overtime or give lunch or rest breaks to 20 workers at ten stores in Los Angeles.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Migrants Turned Political Prisoners.

THURSDAY, JULY 9. PROGRAM # 7561 12:00 PM PT Migrants Turned Political Prisoners. In separate ways, two former U.S. residents returned to their native Mexico to fight drug cartels and corruption and ended up persecuted and in jail. They are now widely seen as political prisoners. This program revisits the case of Nestora Salgado, who […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Trump and the GOP Presidential Race. Also, “Blurring Borders.”

TUESDAY, JULY 7. PROGRAM # 7559 12:00 PM PT Trump and the GOP Presidential Race. During his presidential announcement, billionaire mogul Donald Trump called Mexican immigrants criminals and rapists. Following an uproar in the Latino community, a number of businesses and celebrities have cut ties with the conservative presidential candidate. And while some Republican leaders […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Familiares de inmigrante muerto en cárcel de inmigración en Arizona, exigen respuesta

(Español) El reporte policiaco de Eloy dice que Déniz-Sahagún estuvo segregado por mostrar intenciones suicidas, y que más tarde fue trasladado a una celda de menor seguridad, donde lo vigilaban cada 15 minutos. Allí un guardia lo encontró inconsciente. Antes de darle primeros auxilios lo esposaron…

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Migrant Hero.

THURSDAY, JULY 2. PROGRAM # 7556 12:00 PM PT Migrant Hero. The public television network PBS is featuring online a short film on Hugo Morales, a Mixtec Indian who went from migrant farmworker as a child to Harvard graduate and to creator of the Latino radio network in US public broadcasting. The producer of the […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

(Español) Los Jinetes Soñadores lanzan Gira Nacional en Autobús para frenar las deportaciones

(Español) “Estamos en la cresta de un importante momento político y legislativo y el tiempo es ahora para las comunidades de inmigrantes que se unen y protegen el alivio que hemos ganado por derecho, y que se ponen de pie para mantener unidas a las familias y una hoja de ruta clara y accesible a la ciudadanía”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) El Partido Republicano, ¿reliquia política?

(Español) Lo que es peor es el silencio ensordecedor del resto de los aspirantes a la nominación presidencial republicana ante los insultos de Trump. ¿Qué han dicho Jeb Bush, casado con una inmigrante mexicana naturalizada? ¿O Marco Rubio, hijo de inmigrantes cubanos? De Ted Cruz ni pregunto.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Trabajadores contratados: atorados hasta abajo

(Español) Porque las visas de estos trabajadores, las H2 están controladas por los patrones, por lo que no se pueden ir con otro empleador que les ofrezca más dinero. Si un trabajador H2 es despedido tiene que dejar el país, o se vuelve indocumentado y puede ser detenido por las autoridades”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Guestworkers: Stuck at the Bottom.

THURSDAY, JUNE 25. PROGRAM # 7551 12:00 PM PT Guestworkers: Stuck at the Bottom. A reputed think tank found that across the U.S., the wages and working conditions of guest workers are as low as those of undocumented workers. Having legal temporary status does not help them improve their workplace conditions and standard of living. […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta |

Call to Investigate Immigrant’s Death in Arizona

The strikers also complain of excessive use of force and negligence of healthcare by the guards. Several immigrant rights groups and an Arizona congressman are calling for the Department of Justice to initiate an independent investigation. Valeria Fernández has more details from Arizona.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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