
(Español) Victoria para trabajadores con visa H2A, pero aún falta camino por recorrer

(Español) El Proyecto de Asuntos Hispanos pidió que las leyes se respeten y que los trabajadores puedan recibir una mejor compensación por el trabajo que hacen. A partir de este 16 de noviembre, el salario mensual de los ovejeros se incrementará a 993 dólares, y el 15 de diciembre subirá a mil 206 dólares al mes.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3. PROGRAM # 7644 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. A federal court determined that immigrants in prolonged detention have a legal right to a bond hearing. The new Speaker of the House Paul Ryan warns he won’t allow a vote on the floor on immigration reform. And, is the New Orleans’ federal Court […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) GOP: ¿renunciando al voto latino?

Es una lástima que se doblegue a la presión del bando antiinmigrante… Aunque falten cuatro meses para el inicio de las asambleas populares y primarias republicanas y un año para las elecciones presidenciales, los republicanos siguen dando señales de que están renunciando al voto hispano.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration: Decision Time.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27. PROGRAM # 7639 12:00 PM PT Immigration: Decision Time. A ruling on the programs of deferred action for undocumented parents of US children is stuck in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals of New Orleans. If the judges fail to make a ruling this week, the US Supreme Court may not hear […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Immigrants Fast, Urging Judges to Decide on DACA and DAPA

If the court does not make a decision in the next few days, the Supreme Court will not be able to consider the case next year and millions of potential beneficiaries will be in limbo for another year.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Health for All Minors.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22. PROGRAM # 7636 12:00 PM PT Health for All Minors. California Gov. Brown signed a new law to extend health care coverage to undocumented children. beginning in May 2016, Medi-Cal, the public health state program for the poor, will extend coverage to about 170,000 undocumented children under age 19. How is California’s […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Pierde en el Senado la SB 2146

(Español) Carolina del Norte está atacando también a las Ciudades Santuario, prohibiendo que cualquier ciudad en ese estado tenga medidas que protejan a los inmigrantes, que promueva la seguridad pública para todos sus residentes.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. PROGRAM # 7634 12:00 PM PT Anti “Sanctuary City” Bill Blocked. A Republican-sponsored bill targeting “sanctuary cities” failed to advance in the US Senate. The measure, that would have imposed harsher penalties for illegal reentry and cut off federal funds for states and cities that refuse to comply with ICE detainer requests, […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

New Anti Wage-Theft Law.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. PROGRAM # 7631 12:00 PM PT New Anti Wage-Theft Law. California Gov. Brown signed into law a historic wage theft bill that targets employers who steal wages from their workers.  The new law, known as Fair Day’s Pay Act, gives state authorities more tools to crackdown on employers cited for wage theft […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Testimonio de un ovejero en las montañas de Colorado

(Español) “La misma soledad lo hace sentirse a uno mal. Porque no halla uno con quién platicar… si hubiera un compañero… digo, porque así… no debo sentir tanta soledad”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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