
California Inaugurates Health Plan for Undocumented Minors

This weekend, California will be one step closer to having healtheir children. On May 1st, the Health for All law goes into effect, expanding the state health insurance, Medi-Cal, and offering complete coverage to undocumented minors who qualify.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Pushing Back on Mass Detention.

TUESDAY, APRIL 26. PROGRAM # 7769 12:00 PM PT Pushing Back on Mass Detention. In a move announced as a step against mass incarceration and inhumane treatment of immigrants in detention, State Sen. Ricardo Lara proposes new standards on immigrant detention facilities in California. Known as the “Dignity not Detention Act,” the new bill would […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) La enorme resistencia de los indocumentados

(Español) La comunidad indocumentada ha encontrado su voz y su espacio. Su mano de obra es esencial, pagan impuestos, tienen hijos ciudadanos, sus principales defensores, y tienen un movimiento pro reforma migratoria que ha afinado estrategias para presentar un frente común ante una lucha de décadas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Supreme Court Hears DACA and DAPA Case

Under intense national attention this election year, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the legal battle over expanded DACA and DAPA, President Obama’s executive orders that could define the future of almost 5 million undocumented immigrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Mexico and U.S. Brought to Court over Treatment of Central American Migrants

Immigrant-rights and religious organizations are taking the governments of Mexico and the United States to the Interamerican Commission of Human Rights for violating the human rights of Central American migrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Migrant Rights to Higher Forum. Also, A Well-Rounded Education.

TUESDAY, APRIL 19. PROGRAM # 7764 12:00 PM PT Migrant Rights to Higher Forum. This is a report on two petitions to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington DC. The family of Anastasio Hernández Rojas and international law experts urge the human rights body to hold Border Patrol agents accountable in the brutal […]

Posted in Education, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Llega la Caravana por la Paz y la Justicia a NY reclamando el alto a la guerra contra las drogas

(Español) Precisamente los líderes del mundo reunidos en esta asamblea general en la ONU debaten el enfoque punitivo que se le ha dado por décadas al tema de las drogas, con la intensión de introducir cambios que reflejen los tiempos modernos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Pasa Nebraska ley de licencias profesionales para inmigrantes con acción diferida

(Español) Los beneficiarios de la acción diferida de la administración federal “ofrecen un gran beneficio para nuestra mano de obra local y nacional”, afirmó Kathy Tran, Subdirector de Políticas y Promoción de Habilidades y Desarrollo Laboral en el Foro Nacional de Inmigración.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) La suprema y la inmigracion, discusión dividida

(Español) Entre tanto en la movilización de los inmigrantes y sus aliados se dirigió a la capital del país, donde se concentran las esperanzas de millones de inmigrantes para poner fin, aunque sea temporalmente al inmenso dolor causado por la separación de familias, así como las persecuciones y encarcelamiento de inmigrantes.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Supreme Court Hears DAPA Case.

MONDAY, APRIL 18. PROGRAM # 7763 12:00 PM PT Supreme Court Hears DAPA Case. Today, the US Supreme Court hears oral arguments in a case challenging President Obama’s immigration executive actions, known as DAPA and DACA plus. Thousands rally outside the court urging the justices to lift the block against the presidential orders. In this […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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