
Newly Covered By Medi-Cal, Undocumented Children Also Seek Dental Care By Ana B. Ibarra

(Español) Young Erika is one of almost 138,000 undocumented children in California who have gained Medi-Cal coverage under the so-called “Health for All Kids” law, which provides health care for all California children regardless of their immigration status.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) El mito de la deportación masiva en pesos y centavos

(Español) Haciendo un cálculo conservador, dice el estudio, “la pérdida de ingresos anuales sería de al menos 50 mil millones de dólares cada año”, lo que “acumularía unos 860 mil millones de dólares en una década”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Comienza en NY demanda contra Texas et al v. United States

(Español) Al desafiar el alcance jurisdicional de la medida cautelar de Texas, la demanda podría conducir al restablecimiento de DACA y DAPA para millones de familias que habitan en los estados que no son parte de esa demanda interpuesta en la corte federal del Distrito Sur de Texas.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Woman Chained During Labor Can Sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, received another blow from the courts. This time, a federal court gave the green light to a lawsuit by an immigrant woman who was shackled before and after giving birth while she was in the custody.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Detention Centers Cause Invisible Wounds to Central American Children

Mental health experts say detention centers add trauma to children who have already seen too much trauma in their lives.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Victoria de los indocumentados: Arizona no puede usar la raza o el origen étnico para detenerlos

(Español) El Procurador establece que los agentes no pueden usar la raza o el origen étnico para desarrollar una sospecha razonable de que alguien está ilegalmente en el país. Tampoco pueden detener a personas únicamente para investigar su estatus migratorio…

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

A young Central American Immigrant feels hope in Mexico

Concerned about the growing dangers that thousands of Central American migrant children face when crossing Mexico, Alejandro Solalinde, a Catholic priest and social activist joined other immigrant advocacy groups to open a new shelter in Mexico City. This refuge is the first in the country that focuses on helping young transmigrants to settle in Mexico, instead of continuing their journey to the United States.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 PROGRAM # 7873 12:00 PM PST. Immigration Edition. After DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson announced his agency will study the use of private immigrant detention centers, civil rights groups increased their calls to end the use of private contractors who profit from detaining about 40,000 immigrants a day. This edition includes a discussion […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Las “Madres de Berks”, centroamericanas detenidas por ICE, retoman huelga de hambre

(Español) “Si permanece intacta esta decisión, va a ser la primera vez en la historia de este país en que los no ciudadanos que entran a Estados Unidos y que se hallan en suelo estadunidense, no van a tener la oportunidad de contar con el hábeas corpus para desafiar sus órdenes de expulsión”: Lee Gelernt / ACLU.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Trump y Peña Nieto: juntos intentan conseguir nueva bocanada de aire

(Español) “… Castigar a las ciudades santuario, endurecer la persecución vía E-Verify y la identificación biométrica, eliminar DACA y poner a los Dreamers en vías de deportación…”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Mexico |

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