
(Español) Con Trump, como Santo Tomás: “Ver para creer”

(Español) En el 2013 el Senado aprobó un plan de reforma migratoria amplia con una tortuosa y larga vía a la ciudadanía que murió en la Cámara Baja porque los republicanos se negaron a debatirla o a presentar su propia versión.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Immigrant Communities in Crisis.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28 PROGRAM # 8007 12:00 PM PST. Immigrant Communities in Crisis. As Homeland Security chief said in Mexico there will be “no mass deportations,” Trump insists in ramping up deportation raids. Meantime, cities take to the courts to block federal sanctions on sanctuary cities, and new bills in Congress oppose spending on the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Mexicano en vías de deportación señala posible fisura en política de Trump

(Español) Se dice que uno de los factores que ayudaron al triunfo de Trump en ese poblado es el alto desempleo. Aun así, muchos prefieren quedarse callados cuando se les pregunta acerca de la suerte que deberían seguir los indocumentados como Hernández Pacheco.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Suprema Corte ventila caso de joven mexicano muerto por agente fronterizo.

(Español) “Si Sergio hubiera sido estadunidense habría sido diferente. Como es mexicano que murió en México, el gobierno de EEUU dice que no tiene derechos de reclamar”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Mexico, Politics |

(Español) “Día sin inmigrantes” suscitó nuevos incidentes de acoso racial.

(Español) Se reportan insultos a negocios que cerraron o que corrieron mpleados por ausentarse en “Un Día Sin Inmigrantes”, en las Carolinas, Tennessee, Texas y otros estados.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics, Latest News |

Day Without Immigrants.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22 PROGRAM # 8003 12:00 PM PST. Day Without Immigrants. Tens of thousands of workers didn’t show up to work, businesses closed and schoolchildren stayed home as part of a nationwide protest against Trump’s immigration policies. The “Day Without Immigrants” campaign spread on social media and by word of mouth. What was the […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |


TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 PROGRAM # 8002 12:00 PM PST. Deportables. In the first major immigration crackdown of the Trump administration, ICE agents captured hundreds, many without criminal records, amid alarming news reports that the White House is considering mobilizing 100,000 National Guard troops to escalate the sweeps against undocumented immigrants. A young immigrant with DACA […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Farmworker Champion. Also, “Tell me your Name.”

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 PROGRAM # 8001 12:00 PM PST. Farmworker Champion. Leading filmmaker and TV and music producer David Damian Figueroa is being honored this week with the Dolores Huerta Award for his work championing the rights of farmworkers through the arts. As a publicity artist, he helped grow the career of music greats like […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Trump anunciará nueva orden ejecutiva sobre inmigrantes y refugiados esta semana.

(Español) La nueva orden de acuerdo a diversas fuentes estaría en su etapa final de revisión, y aunque se sigue enfocando en los siete países originales, no abarcaría a los inmigrantes que poseen tarjetas de residencia permanente (Green cards).

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Topics |

Some Immigrants, Fearful Of Political Climate, Shy Away From Medi-Cal

Some foreign-born Californians are canceling their Medi-Cal coverage or declining to enroll in the first place, citing fears of a Trump administration crackdown on immigrants.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

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