
(Español) Trump hace honor a su cobardía

(Español) La acción de Trump es políticamente cobarde y económicamente contraproducente. Y, claro está, totalmente inhumana. Se trata de 800 mil almas que no arribaron sin documentos por cuenta propia, que sólo conocen a este país como su único hogar, que estudian, trabajan y contribuyen.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Consejos Prácticos para los Dacamentados Ahora

(Español) “Estamos Unidos en Esta Pelea. No Estás Solo. Nosotros Movilizamos, Organizamos y Marchamos desde Hace 5 Años por DACA y continuaremos Haciendo Todo lo que Esté en Nuestro Poder Para Proteger a los Jóvenes Inmigrantes”: United We Dream.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Trump pone fin a DACA, pero Sessions hace gustoso el anuncio

(Español) Sessions acusó a DACA de ser “inconstitucional”, y culpó al Congreso de ser el responsable al no haber cumplido con su trabajo y buscar una solución permanente al “problema de la inmigración”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump has decided to end DACA, with 6-month delay

The administration’s deliberations on the issue have been fluid and fast moving, and the president has faced strong warnings from members of his own party not to scrap the program.

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After Hurricane Harvey, Immigrants Face Uncertain Future

With the fear of being deported, especially after the signing of a draconian state law on immigration and with the images of the disastrous evacuation during the last hurricane still fresh, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in Texas weathered the torrential rain and wind of Hurricane Harvey by staying in their homes or with friends and family members.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Environment |

(Español) Poner fin a DACA es un asunto de todos, y aun de los ‘restriccionistas’ que asaltaron el poder

(Español) Los ‘soñadores’ dicen ya no estar dispuestos a ser definidos por unos papeles, sino como seres humanos. Descubrieron que no están solos. Tres cuartas partes de encuestados y posibles votantes les dan su apoyo en las últimas encuestas.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Federal Judge Blocks Anti-Immigrant Law in Texas

Undocumented Texans are breathing a sigh of relief after a federal judge ruled to suspend the controversial Law SB4, which would have required local police to act as immigration agents and punished sanctuary cities starting on September first.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Presidential Pardon for ex-Sheriff Arpaio Causes Furor Among U.S. Latinos

As the devastating Hurricane Harvey battered the coast of Texas, President Trump pardoned ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was convicted of criminal contempt by a federal court in Arizona. The decision was unanimously condemned by Latino activists, Democratic lawmakers and even some Republicans.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump Under Pressure Not to Cancel DACA Program

Just days before the end of the deadline ultra-conservative Republicans gave President Trump to eliminate the DACA program, allies of young immigrants redoubled their efforts in a national campaign with phone calls, demonstrations in the street, and meetings in states around the country urging Trump to continue protections for these young people.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Podría Trump anunciar el fin de DACA tan pronto como hoy

(Español) De acuerdo con la prensa existen versiones de que Trump ya decidió, y también el rumor de que el presidente ha demandado un aplazamiento de la fecha del 5 de septiembre para estudiar con mayor detenimiento su decisión.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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