
Ding Dong! The Obamacare Tax Penalty Is(n’t) Dead

“If you have a penalty and you’re due a refund, that penalty reduces your refund,” she says. If you owe a penalty but aren’t owed a refund, and then you decide not to pay the penalty, the Internal Revenue Service may take it out of a future refund, she says.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 PROGRAM # 8274 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. A political analyst comments on what’s next in the political and legal battle around DACA, days before the official end of the program as ordered by Trump. Also, a community leader says that thanks to documents obtained by Washington Sen. Cantwell, she has confirmed […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) A pesar de la ley, la crueldad del gobierno se impone a familias en busca de asilo

(Español) Este caso ilustra “la desgracia a la que cotidianamente son sometidas las familias migrantes” que vienen buscando salvar sus idas y las de sus hijos. Familias que “son sometidas al trauma de la separación por parte del gobierno del que solicitan asilo”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Rechaza la Suprema Corte escuchar solicitud del Departamento de Justicia para acelerar la muerte de DACA

(Español) No significa que la corte nunca vaya a escuchar el caso que solicitó DHS.. podría considerarlo una vez que la corte de apelaciones lo sopese. Pero regresaría a la Corte Suprema hasta el próximo período, lo que vuelve menos ominosa la fecha del 5 de marzo.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Hay serpientes que anidan en la Casa Blanca

(Español) Para Trump, los inmigrantes son serpientes que muerden la mano que les da de comer, que los ayuda, como en la fábula de la serpiente herida que fue ayudada por una mujer, pero al final la muerde, envenenándola.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) La alcalde de Oakland advierte sobre inminentes redadas de ICE en el norte de California

(Español) Trump amenazó a California con retirar a los agentes de ICE, porque los funcionarios del estado no cooperan con los agentes federales, y advirtió que ya vería California el crimen horrendo que se desataría en sus calles con tantos criminales sueltos.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Postcard From Sacramento: Residents Rally For A Healthy Valley

“You can’t be a Golden State if you don’t operate by the Golden Rule … if there are disparities in different parts of the state,” Stockton Mayor Michael Tubbs told the crowd at a rally dubbed “Equity at the Mall.” Attendees toted signs demanding “Health and Justice for All” and calling on lawmakers to “Support the Dream.”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Muestra el Senado falta de apetito para resolver DACA. Mientras, ICE anda suelto

(Español) “DACA es un asunto que debería solucionarse en las instancias políticas y no judiciales… no debe atraerlo la Suprema Corte”: United We Dream“.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20 PROGRAM # 8269 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. The Senate failed to deliver an immigration plan and it is unclear if the Senate will reopen a debate after the recess. Meanwhile, Dreamers will face the risk of deportation when DACA ends in two weeks. What’s next for the Dreamers? Also, faith leaders […]

Posted in Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Bipartisan Plan for Dreamers Flounders in the Senate

On the final day of debates, several immigration proposals failed in the Senate after Trump threatened to veto any plan that did not meet his requirements. A bipartisan bill failed to obtain the 60 votes needed to pass.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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