
Teacher Promotes Racial Tolerance Using Technology

Teacher Promotes Racial Tolerance Using Technology – In the last five years, hundreds of thousands of children and young people have sought asylum in the United States fleeing violence and extreme poverty in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigrant Wins Retaliation Case.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30 PROGRAM # 8532 12:00 PM PT Immigrant Wins Retaliation Case. A farmworker in California’s Central Valley won a retaliation case against an attorney who represents a dairy company for reporting him to immigration officials to get him deported. The precedent-setting settlement includes a compensation of one million dollars. A legal expert who […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Migrants Say They Pay For Inclusion On ‘La Lista’ To Make Border Crossing

At the Gateway, the mother and daughter got on another list, whose management is also plagued by bribery, according to the ACLU’s Seifert and to two African migrants who spoke to The Appeal. Both said they had been stuck in Matamoros for almost two months while their places on the list were constantly “sold” to Cubans.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 29 PROGRAM # 8531 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. When he made the announcement to reopen the government, Trump threatened to declare a state of emergency and get money to build the wall. A political analyst examines these threats and the attempts during the current negotiations in Congress to deprive immigrant children from […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Migrants Endure Brutal Conditions in Border Encampments

But it is the conditions in the encampments and highway checkpoints that heighten migrant suffering. A Border Patrol agent, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Appeal that the space where Felipe was kept at the New Mexico checkpoint was “no bigger than a bedroom” but since the fall of 2018 has been packed with migrants because of overcrowding at other CBP facilities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Cuando el futuro nos alcanza: la agricultura, orillada al dilema de la robótica o las H-2A

(Español) Los trabajadores agrícolas, las personas que hacen el trabajo de cultivo agotador que al parecer nadie más quiere hacer, están aplastados entre las fuerzas del mercado y la acalorada retórica de la Casa Blanca sobre inmigración, sin una solución fácil a la vista.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta

(Español) A estas alturas, sólo un cegado fanático es incapaz de reconocer que Trump sólo quiere a Trump. Que poco le importa a quién se lleve por delante para hacer realidad los delirios que disfraza de política pública.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Human Rights Crisis Pushes Guatemalan Migrants to Exodus

Last year, Guatemala saw a wave of assassinations of indigenous leaders. Many were killed for resisting massive construction projects or the dispossession of their ancestral lands.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

(Español) La Voz de la Mixteca una señal radiofónica de amplio alcance, de la familia de Línea Abierta

(Español) García cuenta también del asesinato de Alejandro Aparicio, presidente municipal de Tlaxiaco, ultimado a tiros en un ataque ¡sólo minutos después! de haber tomado posesión del cargo.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) El Congreso ensaya hoy un nuevo intento para reabrir el gobierno

(Español) El plan republicano de hoy fue rechazado por los demócratas porque entre otras cosas no reduce los obstáculos para la elegibilidad de DACA ni ofrece un camino a la ciudadanía.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

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