
Neighbors in Tennessee Block Arrest of Immigrant

In Nashville, a group of neighbors alerted by a rapid response network showed up to the site where immigration agents were conducting an arrest operation and helped their neighbor, who was refusing to obey ICE agents’ order to get out of their van.In Nashville, a group of neighbors alerted by a rapid response network showed up to the site where immigration agents were conducting an arrest operation and helped their neighbor, who was refusing to obey ICE agents’ order to get out of their van.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Inspector Paints A Rosy Picture Of Migrant Detention Centers — In Contrast To Audits

With the detainee population surging to 53,000 people this year, immigrant rights organizations contend that ICE is under pressure to keep facilities open at any cost — and that the agency has insulated itself from reproach by hiring inspectors who act as allies for the private prison companies that now house the majority of U.S. detainees.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

(Español) La semana cierra con al menos 2 nuevos ataques de Trump contra inmigrantes y pobres

(Español) 40 estados y el Distrito de Columbia actualmente usan criterios de elegibilidad alternativos que permiten a algunos recibir cupones de alimentos automáticamente si sus ingresos son menores del doble del nivel de pobreza.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Health |

Immigration Edition.

TUESDAY, JULY 30 PROGRAM # 8661 12:00 PM PT Immigration Edition. While US Southern border has been on the spotlight, Mexico’s Southern border is the scene of an intense humanitarian crisis, worsened by Mexico’s raids and deportations on migrants. A researcher who recently visited Chiapas shares his observations and comments on the news that Guatemala […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Urge la unidad demócrata ante Donald Trump

(Español) Pero hay que dejar a un lado los dimes y diretes internos que nada aportan y que pueden tener el efecto de desconectar a un electorado que para mal, ha ido normalizando lo que no es normal. Y votante desafecto se queda en casa.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Judge Suspends Restrictions on Political Asylum

A federal judge has rejected a new federal government rule that would block immigrants who arrive at the U.S. border after crossing through another country from applying for asylum.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Young People in California Promote the 2020 Census

A few days after the federal government abandoned its bid to include a citizenship question on the census, a group of enthusiastic young people toured one of the poorest areas of Los Angeles to spread the word and expand its network of volunteers.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

(Español) En medio de una política de mano dura, ICE libera a algunos pero sigue la persecución

(Español) “Eo muestra que ICE y CBP buscan aumentar sus presupuestos ejecutando políticas de supremacía blanca que Trump prometió a sus electores. Si alguna vez hubo un momento claro para comprometerse como sociedad a la abolición de estas agencias, es ahora”: Maru Mora Villalpando.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Mueller Hearing. ICE Agents Broke Window, Arrest Immigrant. Clean Water Bill Signed Into Law.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 24 PROGRAM # 8657 12:00 PM PT Mueller Hearing. Special Counsel Bob Mueller testifies today before Congress to answer additional questions about his report on ties between Russia and Trump’s campaign and obstruction of justice. On other news, the House votes down a motion to impeach President Trump. At his testifying before two […]

Posted in Immigration, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) La demagogia de Trump es un barril sin fondo

(Español) El congresista republicano por Iowa, Steve King afirmó que los agentes de Inmigración tienen un “sexto sentido” para identificar indocumentados; y que esto es posible a través de “indicadores” como los zapatos, la ropa, el acento al hablar y el tipo de arreglo personal.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

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