
Línea Abierta At 25: Memorable Conversations.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 PROGRAM # 8810 12:00 PM PT Línea Abierta At 25: Memorable Conversations. This week, Línea Abierta celebrates 25 years on the nation’s public radio airwaves. To mark this milestone, the team compiled memorable segments from Línea’s historical archives, including interviews with US Presidents, authors, scientists and other newsmakers; public forums with political […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Education, Elections, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) EEUU se juega este año su democracia y su reputación

(Español) Quizá la motivación de remover a Trump de su cargo obre milagros en noviembre. Pero es mejor no adelantarnos, porque falta un buen tramo por recorrer y desde 2016 el negocio de los pronósticos está bastante desacreditado.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Radio Bilingüe broadcasts Municipal Public Forum on the 2020 Census in California

Radio Bilingüe will broadcast a town hall meeting on the 2020 Census Count and the new voting procedures brought by the Voters’ Choice Act held at Selma Arts Center on February 18th.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Democratic Debate Turns Red Hot on Eve of Nevada Caucuses

Days ahead of the Nevada caucuses, Democratic presidential hopefuls staged in Las Vegas a heated debate, which included billionaire former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, who was participating for the first time thanks to changes in the rules.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Nevada Democratic Debate.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 PROGRAM # 8808 12:00 PM PT Nevada Democratic Debate. After the voting in Iowa and New Hampshire and ahead of the Nevada caucuses, presidential hopefuls meet in Las Vegas for the next Democratic debate. The rule on the number of individual donations has been changed in a move that benefits former New […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Voto latino, el más codiciado en las primarias de Nevada

(Español) La directora estatal de Mi Familia Vota, en Nevada, Cecilia Alvarado dijo a Los Angeles Times que “las campañas han sido más activas que nunca para atraer el apoyo latino, y no sólo rociando una o dos palabras en españolsino con voluntarios a cortejar a los latinos por teléfono y en persona”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

New Hampshire Impacts List of Presidential Candidates

New Hampshire’s first-in-the-nation primary saw Senator Bernie Sanders and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg emerge as the Democratic favorites, supported by a notable increase in the small but growing Latino electorate in that state.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

The First Primary.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12 PROGRAM # 8802 12:00 PM PT The First Primary. The day after New Hampshire’s primary, news commentators discuss the results of the first party primary, in which Bernie Sanders emerged as the frontrunner and Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar raised their profile. They examine the top issues raised by the winning candidates […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Hará falta más que un contrapeso electoral histórico en noviembre

(Español) Una histórica participación electoral es lo que marcará la diferencia para quien sea quien sea el nominado o la nominada demócrata, porque de lo contrario, la suerte está echada.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Growing Latino Presence in Iowa Caucus

The Iowa caucuses that marked the start of the presidential race were marred by the failure of a mobile app, which forced the results to be delayed and diluted the impact for the winner.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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