
(Español) Hoy, primarias en 6 estados podrían definir al candidato demócrata en noviembre

(Español) Una victoria para Biden, especialmente si es por margen decisivo, podría ser “brutal” para Sanders. Una victoria para Sanders “podría demostrar que su coalición de jóvenes, incluidos jóvenes de color –latinos-, y la clase trabajadora blanca sigue viva y fuerte”.

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With Strong Turnout, Latinos Hand Bernie Sanders a Victory in California

In California, the enthusiastic voter turnout seen among Latinos, and especially young people under 30, gave Senator Bernie Sanders a wide margin of victory on Tuesday in the race for the Democratic presidential candidacy.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Biden Wins in Texas, Where Voters Face Delays

Surprisingly, after being behind in the polls, former Vice President Joe Biden won the state of Texas, the second major jackpot of Super Tuesday based on its number of delegates.

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After Super Tuesday, Democratic Primaries Become a Contest Between Two

With redoubled support from moderate Democrats, former Vice President Joe Biden revived his campaign by winning ten of the fourteen states that were up for grabs in the primaries on Super Tuesday.

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(Español) El ‘gigante dormido’ despierta, de cara al 2020

(Español) En El Paso, McAllen y San Antonio la participación en la mayoría de las comunidades latinas aumentó desde 2016 y “los votantes latinos constituyeron un tercio del electorado en el estado”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Super Tuesday: The Results.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 PROGRAM # 8821 12:00 PM PT Super Tuesday: The Results. Correspondents file reports on the presidential primary results from key states with heavy Latino population. Ahead of the primaries in Arizona, Florida, Illinois, and Washington, political analysts discuss what the results mean, and the way the system awards state delegates to the […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Supermartes de supersorpresas

Curiosamente la lucha es personificada ahora por dos hombres blancos que rozan los 80 años de edad, Biden y Sanders, quienes no exactamente reflejan el reclamo de juventud, diversidad de género y étnica por las que tanto abogan los sectores más progresistas.

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(Español) Las elecciones traen consecuencias, el Súper Martes sorpresas. Bloomberg tira la toalla

(Español) A Biden lo favoreció el voto de trabajadores blancos del sur y educados del norte del país, aunque mayormente el voto negro. Para Sanders fue el voto joven y latino. Buena parte del elector pareció rechazar a una mujer y a una agenda demasiado progresista, y al parecer se inclinó por una más conservadora.

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Super Tuesday: The Vote.

TUESDAY, MARCH 3 PROGRAM # 8820 16:00 PM PT Super Tuesday: The Vote. In this special news coverage for Super Tuesday, political analysts air comments on the latest news, including the first reports about voter turnout in California, Texas, and Colorado. Guests: Professor Gonzalo Santos, Sociologist, Bakersfield, CA; Raul Preciado, NALEO Educational Fund, Los Angeles, […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Super Tuesday: The Vote.

TUESDAY, MARCH 3 PROGRAM # 8819 12:00 PM PT Super Tuesday: The Vote. Today, presidential candidates stage a key battle for states with the largest Latino population such as California, Texas, and Colorado, and other delegate-heavy states. As millions have already voted early, millions more go to the polls. Reporters give a news account on […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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