
(Español) La ‘primavera estadunidense’, epicentro de insurgencia civil y global contra el racismo

(Español) “Ahora lo que vemos es una sociedad civil, que está en estado de insurgencia, más que nada pacífica, pero muy militante, muy fuerte y muy constante”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Police Abuse, Racist Language and the Election.

MONDAY, JUNE 22 PROGRAM # 8921 12:00 PM PT Police Abuse, Racist Language and the Election. In the weekend, as the nation marks the end of slavery, thousands of acts of protest against racism and police abuse are held across the nation. Meanwhile, President Trump held his first rally of the season in Tulsa, the […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Salir del barril sin fondo es nuestro reto como país

(Español) No dijo nada que deba sorprendernos, viniendo de quien viene. Pero el momento histórico en que esto se produce nos habla de cuán bajo hemos caído como país y de cómo el barril de desvergüenza de Trump y de sus facilitadores no tiene fondo.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) De las calles a las urnas, una marcha urgente

(Español) “Cada 30 segundos una persona llega a los 18 años de edad… un millón de personas que son latinos podrá votar cada año”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Voting Disaster in Georgia.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17 PROGRAM # 8918 12:00 PM PT Voting Disaster in Georgia. Five states held primaries last week, and Georgia captured the national headlines for being the scene of a voting disaster, largely in Black and Latino areas. The election was plagued by voting problems, such as long lines and broken voting machines, in […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Voting By Mail Debate Heats Up

Amid attempts by Republicans and the White House to limit universal voting by mail, political and civic organizations have begun a national campaign to promote the absentee ballot.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature, Health |

First Catholic Bishop Takes a Knee. Texas Ranger Statue Removed. Georgia’s Voting Disaster.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 PROGRAM # 8911 12:00 PM PT First Catholic Bishop Takes a Knee. After taking a knee during a Black Lives Matter protest, El Paso’s Catholic bishop got a call from Pope Francis thanking him for speaking out. Bishop Sietz talks about his action of protest and solidarity, the unusual call from the […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Nevada, Virginia y Georgia “reivindican” la tradición republicana de supresión del voto

(Español) Las boletas por correo con sello postal del día de las elecciones si se reciben en el lapso de una semana, contarán. Un aumento tardío de boletas haría tambalear unas elecciones cerradas.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature |

(Español) California aprueba voto por correo en la pandemia ante fiera oposición republicana

(Español) Padilla analizó cómo está afectando la pandemia, de distintas maneras la forma de votar de los ciudadanos en noviembre.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Alex Padilla on Voting and Census. The Hardest Hit: Latinos and Blacks. Dolores Huerta on George Floyd and the Mass Protests.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 PROGRAM # 8904 12:00 PM PT Alex Padilla on Voting and Census. California will be mailing absentee ballots to allow all voters to vote by mail to ensure safe voting during the Covid pandemic. California Secretary of State Alex Padilla talks about this plan and responds to Republican allegations about the risk […]

Posted in CENSO 2020, Coronavirus/COVID-19, Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

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