
(Español) Se agota el tiempo para votar y esto es lo que debe saber

(Español) La dinámica situación del COVID-19 se está desarrollando rápidamente y hay cambios diarios, así que debe volver a consultar frecuentemente con Vote.org, o en el sitio de su estado, para encontrar un sito que le informe sobre todos los pasos, la localización de las urnas, los calendarios y reglas de la votación.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

California’s Rent Control Initiative.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 PROGRAM #9035 11:00 AM PT California’s Rent Control Initiative. California is voting again on rent control. Proposition 21 would expand the housing units that could be covered by rent control to almost all, as long as they are more than 15 years old. Fears to a wave of evictions due to the […]

Posted in Economy, Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Enthusiasm Surges Among Latino Voters in Battleground State of Florida

Florida is among the most contested battleground states in the lead-up to the presidential election. While Democratic candidate Joe Biden has a nearly double-digit lead over Donald Trump nationally.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Immigration Issues Absent from Vice Presidential Debate

Separated by a Plexiglass barrier to prevent the spread of coronavirus, vice presidential candidates Mike Pence and Kamala Harris faced off in a debate that touched on the response to the pandemic and attempts to curtail health insurance.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Triunfo judicial extiende 2 semanas la fecha límite para el registro de votantes en Arizona

(Español) La ley de Arizona requiere que los votantes se registren 29 días antes de una elección. Eso es, antes que la mayoría de los estados, y casi la mitad de los estados permiten que los votantes se registren el día de las elecciones.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

The Pence-Harris Debate.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 PROGRAM #9034 12:00 PM PT The Pence-Harris Debate. As almost five million voters around the country have filled out their ballots for the presidential election and separated by a Plexiglass barrier to prefvent Covid spread, Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris face off in Salt Lake City, Utah, for their […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Extra Edition: Vice Presidential Debate.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 PROGRAM #9033 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Vice Presidential Debate. After Trump tested positive for coronavirus, the debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris took place as scheduled in Salt Lake City, Utah. Topics for this, the first and only vice presidential debate included the coronavirus pandemic, the economy, […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Con el viejo cuento del fantasma del fraude electoral republicanos quieren “vigilar” las urnas

(Español) A activistas por el derecho al voto les preocupa que dichos encuentros puedan “intensificarse en un año tenso, en que las milicias armadas se han enfrentan a manifestantes en las calles de la nación”, debido a las crecientes tensiones raciales.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Más de 5.5 millones de estadunidenses ya votaron por correo y siguen haciéndolo

(Español) Ahí encontrará indicaciones fáciles y precisas para navegar el sitio que contestará a sus preguntas y le facilitará abundante información sobre otros aspectos relacionados también con la votación y el censo.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

California Secretary Alex Padilla. Health Centers Become Voter Centers. Texas Governor Closes Ballot Drop Off Sites.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 PROGRAM #9032 12:00 PM PT California Secretary Alex Padilla. As early voting begins in California, Secretary of State Alex Padilla discusses the new voting by mail service, the “Where’s My Ballot” system, and the safety measures for in-person voting. He also comments on California’s final efforts to get people counted after a […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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