
(Español) Gerrymander, republicanos y el Censo, curioso conteo de negros y latinos

(Español) El censo no ha contado a latinos, por ejemplo, que no se hicieron contar por temores a las constantes amenazas de Trump sobre la carga pública y la pregunta de ciudadanía.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

California, Including Latinos, Issues a Resounding “No” to Removal of Governor

California voters have issued a resounding “no” to the recall of Governor Gavin Newsom, ultimately rejecting the bid by supporters of former President Trump and validating Governor Newsom’s pandemic plan.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

California Election Recall: Results.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 PROGRAM # 9381 12:00 PM PDT California Election Recall: Results. Reporters provide the latest news about the voter turnout and the outcome of the California recall election. Political analysts examine the results, the impact of Latino voters on the outcome, and the repercussions on the state and the nation. They also comment […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Vence Newsom en referendo revocatorio con abrumadora mayoría

(Español) Newsom mantuvo su puesto gracias al apoyo mayoritario de todos los principales grupos étnicos del estado, según hallazgos de encuestadores de la Universidad de California (UC) en Berkeley. Y además lo apoyaron también importantes sindicatos.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Extra Edition: California Recall Election Day.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 PROGRAM # 9379 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: California Recall Election Day. Today, millions of Californians cast their ballots in a special election to decide the fate of Gov. Gavin Newsom. If the Democratic governor is recalled, a replacement candidate, most likely a Republican, will be elected to take his job. Who […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

California Recall Election Day.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 PROGRAM # 9380 12:00 PM PDT California Recall Election Day. Californians cast the last votes in the final hours of the gubernatorial recall election. How big is the voter turnout? What are the odds for Gov. Newsom? What will the national ramifications be of the election outcome? News reporters and election observers […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) De tu voto depende no sólo la defensa de California hoy, sino también de la democracia

(Español) “Pueden mantener a Gavin Newsom como su gobernador, u obtendrán a Donald Trump”, advirtió Biden en su discurso, y comparó al candidato puntero de los republicanos, Larry Elder, con un clon del ex presidente. “No es una broma”, dijo Biden enfático. Aunque Elder se ubica a a derecha de Trump.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Extra Edition: Election Eve.

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 9377 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Election Eve. More than one third of the electorate in California have voted ahead of Tuesday’s recall election. Are Latino voters aware of what’s at stake in this election? Will they turn out to vote? In this edition, voters pro and against the gubernatorial […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Acudir a votar en elección especial de California o atenerse a las consecuencias

(Español) Kamala Harris, los senadores demócratas Elizabeth Warren (Mass), Bernie Sanders (Vermont) y hasta el presidente Joe Biden están visitando California para respaldar la gestión de Newsom, desde la pandemia, hasta la protección del derecho al voto y al aborto, a raíz de los recientes sucesos en Texas.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Se disputan voto latino, en vísperas de referendo sobre gobernador de California

(Español) “Existe entre los latinos un segmento que se ven como empresarios, que se ven como pequeños comerciantes y que han aceptado el discurso, para mí falso, por parte de los republicanos”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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