
(Español) ¿Estás listo para votar? Sin un plan podrías quedarte afuera

(Español) Y es que ambos partidos están tratando de conectarse con este importante bloque de electores para comprenderlo mejor, con mayores o menores resultados, al darse cuenta que su éxito a corto y largo plazo depende de ganar este voto latino.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Abortion Rights and Electric Cars on the Ballot in California

Initiatives that will be put before voters in the California ballot this Nov. 8 include enshrining abortion as a right in the California state constitution and having the wealthy foot the bill to boost purchases of electric cars and help fight fires.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

Midterm Elections: Florida After the Disaster.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 PROGRAM # 9781 11:00 AM PT Midterm Elections: Florida After the Disaster. In the aftermath of the devastation of Hurricane Ian, what is Florida doing to ensure access to the polls to all Floridians in the upcoming midterm election? Are there any emergency plans? This program also includes a look at the […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Recordings of Racist Comments Shake Up L.A.’s Political Establishment

Los Angeles is shaken by political upheaval because of a leaked audio recording in which three influential Latino City Council members can be heard making racist comments insulting African-Americans, Oaxacan Indians, gays, Jews, and Armenians.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

Activists Warn of Misleading Campaigns to Discourage Latinos from Voting

With less than a month to go before the midterm elections on Nov. 8, Latino leaders are launching a campaign to identify and counter messages that are aimed at misinforming Latino voters.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Latino voters and the Midterms.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 PROGRAM # 9778 12:00 PM PT Latino voters and the Midterms. Latinos are entering this midterm election as the second largest group of voters in the US. Will they flex their political muscle? In recent programs, listener have mentioned inflation/economy, public safety, immigration, abortion and gun violence among their top concerns. Are […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

California: The Ballots are in the Mail.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 PROGRAM # 9777 11:00 AM PT California: The Ballots are in the Mail. In California, officials are already mailing out ballots for the general election next month. Voters will make a decision on seven ballot propositions, including one on reproductive rights. They will also have a say in the fight to control […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ciudadanizarse y votar determina el cambio: campaña Cuenta Conmigo

(Español) “La nueva campaña de Nuevos Votantes Americanos es para insertar en la retórica política a nivel nacional, el poder decir: Mira, aquí estamos, hemos obtenido la ciudadanía y ya somos millones. Pero esto no termina con la ciudadanía, es el inicio. Y decir: ahora ya soy ciudadano ahora ya tengo voz y voto al 100%”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

(Español) Demandan a FEC Georgia por desestimar queja sobre violación a ley de financiamiento de campañas

(Español) Common Cause señala que existe “un patrón de fallas de la FEC para responsabilizar a los malhechores”, que ha resultado en “una explosión del gasto político… que está cada vez más manipulado a favor de intereses especiales”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) No son apáticos, sino jóvenes latinos mal atendidos por los partidos políticos

(Español) Los votantes jóvenes a menudo son percibidos erróneamente como demasiado apáticos o demasiado egocéntricos para preocuparse por las elecciones. Pero en lugar de desdeñar la política, algunos de los votantes menos experimentados del país dicen que no se sienten preparados para tomar decisiones tan importantes.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Youth, Politics |

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