
(Español) Tennessee, un nuevo frente en la batalla por el futuro de la democracia estadunidense

(Español) La agresión republicana parece haberse devuelto como un bumerang, pues luego de la expulsión de los legisladores negros la atención nacional se centró en ellos y comenzaron a recaudar sin proponérselo al principio miles de dólares de campaña en el lapso de unos pocos días.

Posted in Education, Elections, Homepage Feature, Justicia Racial, Politics |

Trump Faces Dozens of Criminal Charges After Historic Arrest

After being arrested and booked into a Manhattan courtroom this week, former President Trump was formally indicted on dozens of criminal charges involving falsifying business records.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics, Criminal Justice |

(Español) Sólo dos buena noticias, aunque un par de golondrinas pueden no hacer verano

(Español) Si Kelly hubiera ganado la recién concluida elección por la Corte Suprema de Wisconsin, la carrera por la suma de delegados electorales y el conteo de los votos en las generales de 2024 correrían el riesgo de ser manipulados en favor de los republicanos, lo que definitivamente influiría en la próxima elección a la Presidencia de Estados Unidos.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature |

Amid Political Tensions, Donald Trump Expected to Be Arrested

Republicans are decrying the imminent criminal prosecution and possible arrest of Donald Trump for “hush money” payments to a porn actress, calling it a “witch hunt”, amid silence from Democrats.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) “Peligrosa” ley estatal se abre camino en Georgia, con posibles consecuencias nacionales

(Español) El senador Josh McLaurin advierte que los republicanos “utilicen una comisión como esta para hostigar o prender fuego a los fiscales de cierto partido, en ciertas áreas urbanas, que no se alineen con lo que quiere el gobierno estatal”.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

LGTBQ Activists Prepare for Next Presidential Election – 

LGBTQ activists from across the country are gathering in San Francisco to discuss the challenges faced by this historically highly stigmatized community. Despite some successes, they currently face a national wave of anti-LGBTQ legislation in conservative states, as well as an increase in hate crimes and discrimination.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 PROGRAM # 9920 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. The states of Coahuila and Mexico are having elections in June and émigrés from those states living abroad will be able to vote for governor if they register on time. What’s at stake in these state elections? How to vote from the US? This […]

Posted in Elections, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

Biden Criticized for Falling Short on Immigration Issue in State of the Union

In his second State of the Union address and amid boos from some Republicans, President Biden highlighted his economic accomplishments and called on Republicans to embrace a common agenda, but made it clear that he will not allow cuts to Social Security or Medicare.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Politics |

As Republican Presidential Campaign Kicks Off, How are Latinos Responding?

With less than two years to go before the 2024 presidential election, Republican Donald Trump has announced his candidacy for president by criticizing the Biden administration for its handling of immigrants at the border with Mexico. Republican lawmakers and governors have echoed Trump’s campaign message.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Guatemalan Electoral Process Begins Amid Threats to Voter Rights

Guatemala is beginning an electoral process amid doubts about the independence and credibility of the electoral authority in this impoverished Central American country.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Latinoamérica, Politics |

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