(Español) 50 Años de Retos, Logros y la Continua Búsqueda de la Equidad Educativa
(Español) ¿De qué manera el Movimiento Chicano fue diferente de las respuestas y acciones creativas de generaciones anteriores? ¿Cuáles fueron los principales procesos, desafíos, condiciones y fuerzas sociales y políticas, erupciones culturales, ideologías, conversaciones y logros? Asista a esta conferencia para saberlo.
From the Plan de Santa Bárbara for Chicano Studies to the Quest for Equity in Education.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 PROGRAM # 9756 12:00 PM PT From the Plan de Santa Bárbara for Chicano Studies to the Quest for Equity in Education. As Latinos commemorate historic struggles in the civil and human rights arena 50 years ago, academic leaders gather at CSU San Bernardino to examine the road traveled in the quest […]
(Español) Soñadores están preparados para cualquier decisión sobre futuro de DACA
With the future of the Dreamers still in limbo, a conservative court is expected at any moment to rule on the DACA program, established by then President Obama, which has protected more than 600,000 from deportation and granted work permits to young people who were brought by their parents when they were minors.
Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Also, Children Trauma in Uvalde.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 PROGRAM # 9754 12:00 PM PT Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Latino students attending community colleges face a number of pressures, including the soaring costs of living. As they struggle, community college leaders reach out to inform on recent changes to financial aid programs, including changes to Cal Grant and […]
Extra Edition: Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Also, Historic Changes to Remedial Courses.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 PROGRAM # 9743 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Helping Students to Pay for College Costs. Latino students attending community colleges face a number of pressures, including the soaring costs of living. As they struggle, community college leaders reach out to inform on recent changes to financial aid programs, including changes to Cal […]
Extra Edition: Landmark Fast Food Workers Bill. Also, Juan Felipe Herrera School
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9739 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Landmark Fast Food Workers Bill. The California legislature passed a landmark bill to regulate wages and protect fast-food workers. How will this bill impact the industry and the country? Juan Felipe Herrera School – A recently opened dual immersion school for elementary education in […]
Covid Fall Wave, New Booster Shots. Also, Student Debt Relief: What to Know.
THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 PROGRAM # 9740 12:00 PM PT Covid Fall Wave, New Booster Shots. Colorado’s Covid hospitalizations dropped during the summer, but Denver’s public health department is warning that infections will increase during the fall. In other news, the federal government suspended the program of sending free Covid-19 testing kits to people around the US […]
(Español) Deuda estudiantil cancelada por Biden sería gravada por el fisco como ingresos
(Español) “Dependiendo de las tasas impositivas de un estado los otros ingresos del contribuyente y las deducciones y exenciones que pueden reclamar “podrían sumar varios cientos de dólares en impuestos adicionales a la carga de los prestatarios”.
(Español) Millones de latinos se benefician con la cancelación parcial de la deuda estudiantil
(Español) “La evolución de este problema de la deuda estudiantil data de hace más de tres décadas, cuando comenzó el fenómeno de considerar la educación superior no tanto como un bien social sino como un bien individual”.
(Español) Nueva promesa de campaña cumplida, cancela de 10 a 20 mil dólares de deuda estudiantil
(Español) “Estamos mejorando el Sistema de pagos. Por ejemplo, una persona que estaba pagandom 150 dólares al mes, ahora estará pagandom 37 dólares… Y si su ingreso es bien bajo, no van a tener que pagar nada. Y el Interés no va a subir si uno no está pagando porque uno no tiene ingresos”.