
ESL Students Excel at Rural California School – 

A California elementary school is drawing attention because more than half of its English as a Second Language learners read and write well by the time they reach the third grade. That’s four times higher than the rate for English language learners in the rest of the state.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

(Español) Colorado comenzará Programa Preescolar Universal sin importar el estatus migratorio

(Español) “Las dudas ahorita son si califican siendo indocumentados. Pero no les van a preguntar nada de su estatus, este es un programa estatal… les pueden preguntar por el acta de nacimiento para verificar la edad del niño, o algún comprobante de que residen aquí en Colorado… no importa el estatus legal de padres ni hijos”.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes |

Top Latino Issues in Education. Colorado Universal Preschool. English Learners Beat the Odds.

MONDAY, APRIL 17 PROGRAM # 9977 12:00 PM PT Top Latino Issues in Education. Promising “bold leadership to transform public education to benefit all students, particularly those historically marginalized,” former mayor Jorge Elorza took over a national organization that advocates for educational equity. In this conversation, he discusses current issues, including the struggles of poor […]

Posted in Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Ousted Legislators in Tennessee Reinstated After Intense Youth Protests

Two African-American Democratic legislators who were ousted from the Tennessee legislature have been reinstated after their local governments voted in their favor and intense student protests were held in the state’s capitol.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Youth, Politics |

(Español) Tiroteo en Nashville desata protesta estudiantil mientras dos legisladores negros retoman sus escaños

(Español) “Ayer fue un día histórico porque nunca había ocurrido la expulsión de dos legisladores… Y porque el Concejo de Nashville ha votado para restituir a esos legisladores y para que la comunidad se sienta protegida… en un tema muy polémico”.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Tennessee, un nuevo frente en la batalla por el futuro de la democracia estadunidense

(Español) La agresión republicana parece haberse devuelto como un bumerang, pues luego de la expulsión de los legisladores negros la atención nacional se centró en ellos y comenzaron a recaudar sin proponérselo al principio miles de dólares de campaña en el lapso de unos pocos días.

Posted in Education, Elections, Homepage Feature, Justicia Racial, Politics |

Student Debt Relief in Limbo. How to Stay Insured After Covid Benefits End. Building a Climate Resilient Community.

THURSDAY, MARCH 9 PROGRAM # 9940 12:00 PM PT Student Debt Relief in Limbo. The Supreme Court’s conservative majority appeared skeptical of President Biden’s plan for student loan forgiveness after hearing arguments last week. More than 16 million have been approved for relief, but the benefit has been on hold due to legal challenges from […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Education, Youth, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

28th Anniversary of Línea Abierta.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27 PROGRAM # 9928 12:00 PM PT 28th Anniversary of Línea Abierta. Línea Abierta is the first and only national, live, Spanish-language call-in show in U.S. public broadcasting, and on February 25, it completed its 28th year. Radio Bilingüe launched Línea Abierta in 1995 to fill the void in public and commercial media […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Education, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics, Health |

(Español) Nuevo México hace inversión histórica en almuerzos escolares saludables y gratuitos

(Español) “Estos niños de familias pobres tienen poco acceso a comida saludable. Y hemos visto en nuestras comunidades un aumento de obesidad, diabetes y otras enfermedades que interfieren con el aprovechamiento académico de nuestros niños”.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Youth, Health |

Students Challenge African American Studies Ban. Relief Package: A Lifeline for Pandemic-Hit Students. Anti-Hunger Campaign.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 PROGRAM # 9907 12:00 PM PT Students Challenge African American Studies Ban. After heavy pressure from Florida Gov. DeSantis, the College Board revised an official curriculum for its new Advanced Placement course in African American Studies. Students in Florida threatened to sue the state and the Republican governor if the blocked course […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Historia, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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