
Net Neutrality Rules.

After a court struck down the FCC Net Neutrality Rules, the FCC proposed a new set of rules for net neutrality or Open Internet, a principle that forbids telecom giants from blocking or gives special priority to certain websites and states that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. Consumer rights groups say the new […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Minimum Wage Raise.

U.S. Congress and several states are considering legislation to raise the minimum wage. The small business community is divided. Some leaders think hiking minimum wage kills jobs and hits economic output, while others say more money for workers means less poverty and more sales. In this edition, a business woman shares her successful experience raising […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Financial Literacy.

A leading expert in finances talks about how to earn, save, spend, and invest the money. He shares basic financial principles to create wealth and live a better life and cultural barriers that prevent us from making better financial choice. The guest gives advice on retirement plans, what to do with credit card debt and […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Farm Drought.

California, the leading agricultural producer, is experiencing one of the driest years on record and water shortages are harming farms and small towns. The farm drought has hit the San Joaquin Valley the hardest. Half a million acres are being fallowed, drinking water imperiled, and thousands of jobs are at risk. President Obama and Gov. […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment |

High-speed Internet for Everyone.

Following on the steps of Houston, Los Angeles city officials are proposing to provide universal access to high-speed Internet to every resident and business. With 30 percent of the city not having access to Internet, city leaders are turning to the private sector for ideas on how to connect the entire city. An expert shared […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Fiscalía de NY da un alivio a solicitantes de empleo con antecedentes penales

(Español) El acuerdo dice que Bed Bath & Beyond debe modificar esas políticas de contratación, llevar a cabo la capacitación de sus empleados sobre dichas prácticas, y preservar registros de sus decisiones de contratación y quejas relacionadas con discriminación basada en historial criminal.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Mexico-US Guestworkers.

When Canada, the U.S. and Mexico signed NAFTA, they also signed labor accords and the receiving country agreed to provide the same labor protections to migrant workers as to viagra online real their national workers. Migrant rights groups have complained that farmworkers and fair and carnaval workers suffer unequal treatment and are often paid below […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

(Español) Primer negocio latino de lavado de autos en EE.UU. que reconoce sindicato

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Economy, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

The Battle to Raise Minimum Wage.

With corporate profits at a record high and the value of wages substantially falling, President Obama calls for a raise in the federal minimum wage. Thirty states are considering legislation to raise the minimum wage. Leading Democrats introduced a bill in the Senate to hike the minimum wage, which is opposed by congressional Republicans and […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Orden ejecutiva del Presidente para acotar la brecha de salarios entre los géneros

(Español) No hay que olvidar que las elecciones de noviembre y las de 2016 aparecen en todo esto como telón de fondo. El Presidente y los demócratas esperan acotar la brecha salarial entre los géneros para poder convertir estas órdenes ejecutivas y la Ley de Pago Justo en medallas y lemas de campaña, como el triunfo de Obamacare y muchos otros.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

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