
Student Debt Relief.

MONDAY, AUGUST 29 PROGRAM # 9728 12:00 PM PT Student Debt Relief. President Biden announced a plan to provide $10,000 in student debt relief for millions of people who are making less than $125,000. The plan targets middle-class and lower-income families. Biden also seeks to restrict future payments on college loans. Who is set to […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Corona marcha campesina de 3 semanas en pos de la firma del gobernador Newsom

(Español) Sentí pena que después de esos 60 años de lucha en el campo tengamos que seguir luchando para que nuestros derechos puedan ser plenamente ejercidos. Sobre todo los de los campesinos, que han dedicado los últimos 23 días en una caminata de casi 340 millas. Lo tienen que volver a hacer, desde hace 50 y tantos años que César Chávez usó la misma vía”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Jobs |

Are Latino Voters’ Traditional Political Preferences Shifting?

This week, Florida held primaries amid a renewed push to attract the vote of Spanish-speaking citizens. In this state, as before in Texas, much has been reported about a political realignment of Latino voters.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Biden Cancels Student Debt for Millions of Borrowers

Under intense pressure from Democratic leaders, President Biden forgave up to $10,000 in debt for students earning less than $125,000 a year.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Youth, Politics |

Extra Edition: Lower Medicare Drug Costs. Foreclosures Relief. Farmworker March.

TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 PROGRAM # 9722 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Lower Medicare Drug Costs. A recently approved law allows Medicare to negotiate with manufacturers the prices for some high-cost drugs and limits price increases. How soon will seniors expect to see a reduction in those prices and save money? Guest: Gilberto Cabrera, Spokesperson, Outreach […]

Posted in Crisis de Desalojos, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Climate and Tax Bill and Latinos. New Plan Against Water Crisis. Calls for “Human Right to Water.”

MONDAY, AUGUST 15 PROGRAM # 9714 12:00 PM PT Climate and Tax Bill and Latinos. President Biden is expected to sign a sweeping tax, health and climate package, after the House passed it. The bill, called the Inflation Reduction Act, includes funding for a number of programs to help the nation fight climate change and […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Aprueba el Congreso la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación

(Español) Algunos progresistas inconformes señalaron que muchas de las prioridades se habían dejado de lado, como las referentes a la reforma migratoria, pero reconocieron que el paquete se habría reducido aún más sin su apoyo, pero que ahora con una mayoría demócrata más grande en Washington podria logrse lo que falta”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

Texas Heat Waves and Power Outages Hit Latinos Hardest –

Weary after weeks of heat waves and power outages, Texas Latino residents are also disproportionately burdened by high electricity costs. In order to avoid disastrous blackouts, the state’s electricity authority is calling for reduced consumption.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Inflation Reduction Act Includes Historic Investment in Green Energy

Environmentalists say the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the U.S. Senate marks historic progress on environmental protection and support for the most vulnerable communities.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Se nivela, por ahora, el escenario político para Biden y los demócratas

(Español) Biden y los demócratas han acumulado algunos puntos políticos, aunque queda por ver si los votantes lo recuerdan cuando acudan a las urnas en noviembre, pues en términos electorales tres meses son un mundo y cualquier cosa puede suceder.

Posted in Economy, Elections, Homepage Feature, Politics |

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