
Bill Against Wage Theft Advances in California

The state Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from workers and businessmen and passed the bill SB 588, introduced by senate president Kevin de León, to confront dishonest businesses that steal wages from their employees and undermine owners of companies who do respect the law. The measure still has a long path before becoming law, but it has gained impulse with the support of this first legislative forum. Marco Vinicio González has the story.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Farmworkers in Washington seek better working conditions

One of their demands is that the business not hire guest workers from outside the country through the H2A visa program. With more details, here’s our correspondent José Luis Buen Abad. This story is part of our series “Voy Contratado: Migrant Rights”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Baltimore Riots, Curfew. Also, New Rules for Guest Workers.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29. PROGRAM # 7510 12:00 PM PT Baltimore Riots, Curfew. Baltimore exploded into violent riots following the funeral for Freddie Gray, a young African American who died of a spinal cord injury while in police custody. A curfew has been imposed and thousands of police and National Guard troops patrol the streets. A […]

Posted in Economy, Youth, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Derechos Humanos en San Quintín, BC

(Español) Por el Senado y los legisladores mexicanos, encabezó la senadora Angélica de la Peña, Presidenta de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Senado, quien comentó en entrevista grabada con el Director de Noticias de Radio Bilingüe, Samuel Orozco sobre la visita al Valle de San Quintín, donde, dice, se vive “en condiciones parecidas a las del siglo XVIII o XIX”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Mexico |

Human Rights in San Quintin. Also, Fighting Wage Theft.

TUESDAY, APRIL 28. PROGRAM # 7509 12:00 PM PT Human Rights in San Quintin. A leading Mexican senator comments on the results of a fact-finding mission on human rights in the agro-export fields in San Quintin, where laborers live “in conditions similar to the ones in the XVIII or XIX centuries.” Guest: Sen. Angélica de […]

Posted in Crisis de Derechos humanos, Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

(Español) Trabajadores comparten hoy historias de salarios robados en el Capitolio de California

(Español) “El robo de salarios ha alcanzado proporciones epidémicas… está robando el ‘sueño americano’ a la gente que construyen la prosperidad de California… se debe apuntar a los malos actores para nivelar el campo de juego a las empresas honestas y ayudar a los trabajadores”: Kevin de León.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Farmworkers in Mexico’s Capital.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22. PROGRAM # 7505 12:00 PM PT Farmworkers in Mexico’s Capital. Farmworker leaders from Baja California meet in Mexico City with congressional leaders and federal officials calling attention to a life of labor and sexual abuse and low pay for the thousands of indigenous laborers who work the agro-export industry in the rich […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico |

(Español) Apoya SEIU movilización internacional por salario mínimo de 15 dólares la hora

(Español) “Los trabajadores de cuidado a domicilio, de cuidado de niños, de aeropuertos, estudiantes y profesores universitarios se han sumado a esta lucha por una oportunidad justa para lograr tener una vida decente”: Rocío Sáenz.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) La mayor movilización de trabajadores mal pagados, por la huelga en 200 ciudades, incluída La Bahía

(Español) La huelga más grande de la historia de los estrablecimientos de comida rápida; la más amplia movilización de los trabajadores mal pagados; la mayor protesta en las universidades en todo el país desde el movimiento anti-apartheid, con eco en seis continentes.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Latino and African-American Youth Use Theater to Demand Change

These young people, children of janitors, home caregivers and other low-wage jobs, are also trying to get more young people to commit to voting and reclaim what they call the American Dream. Our correspondent in Los Angeles, Rubén Tapia, has more.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Youth |

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