
(Español) Jornaleros agrícolas de San Quintín, BC, obtienen registro de sindicato independiente

(Español) De acuerdo con la STPS el registro fue otorgado a los jornaleros de San Quintín, “con el propósito de transitar hacia la representación legítima de estos trabajadores… y forma parte del cumplimiento de los acuerdos alcanzados entre autoridades federales, estatales y los trabajadores agrícolas de esta región”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Heartbreaking Separation. Also, Huelga! At Fifty Years.

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6. PROGRAM # 7690 12:00 PM PT Heartbreaking Separation. Deported moms who live in the border city of Tijuana announce the publication of several books where they tell their heartbreaking stories of deportation and separation from their children. Their leader also comments on the opening of a shelter for deported women and legislation […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

The Year in Review.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31. PROGRAM # 7686 12:00 PM PT The Year in Review. Thousands of farm workers staged an unprecedented walk out in San Quintin. Parents of the Ayotzinapa disappeared bring their plight to the US. Juan Felipe Herrera makes history as the first Latino poet laureate in the US. Key players remember the Grape […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Economy, Education, Immigration, Youth, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

My Street Money.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30. PROGRAM # 7685 12:00 PM PT My Street Money. In his latest book on managing personal finances, titled “My Street Money,” financial expert, author and speaker Louis Barajas writes about the basics of self-help to achieve personal financial health. In this time of New Year’s resolutions, Barajas shares tips on how to […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

San Quintin: New Union.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23. PROGRAM # 7680 12:00 PM PT San Quintin: New Union. Farm workers from San Quintín Valley in Northern Mexico recently organized an independent union to challenge contracts held by official unions to de facto protect employers. This report provides recorded speeches from founding members and allies of the union during this landmark […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

(Español) Trabajadores estadunidenses, ¡están despedidos todos!

(Español) Hay quienes afirman que lejos de confrontar el asunto del desempleo en los estadunidenses, las autoridades facilitan a los empleadores la obtención de visas H-2. Diversas industrias del país han hecho hasta lo imposible para no contratar a trabajadores estadunidenses a puestos de trabajo disponibles.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Intentan diezmar la ley de protección a los trabajadores migrantes

(Español) Por eso es que ahora el debate en el Senado sobre el presupuesto de la nación alberga inminentes peligros contra las protecciones anunciadas en abril para estos trabajadores H-2B. Mikulski y sus seguidores argumentan que la incertidumbre y la burocracia dificultan a los empleadores el uso de dicho programa.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Senadores demócratas defienden derechos de trabajadores H 2B durante asignación del presupuesto 2016

(Español) Abusos como el fraude y las cuotas ilegales durante el reclutamiento, los sueldos deprimidos y las condiciones de trabajo peligrosas, han sido problemas endémicos dentro del programa de visas H-2B.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Farm Workers in Mexico Form Historic Independent Union

It is a historic step in a country where official unions with ties to the government usually sign contracts in the name of workers, to protect employers from collective contracts. Our correspondent Rubén Tapia was present at the historic event to found the independent farm workers’ union.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Sheepherders Labor Rules. Also, Mireles Fights for Dismissal of Charges.

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2. PROGRAM # 7665 12:00 PM PT Sheepherders Labor Rules. Sheepherders in Colorado and the US are getting a pay raise according to new rules being implemented this month by the US Department of Labor. That salary update followed language proposed by the sheep industry. The sheep growers also succeeded in defining the […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

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