
(Español) Victoria de mujeres en manzanares de Washington

(Español) “Y esto le ayuda también a los dueños. Porque no quieren que el gobierno federal venga a demandarlos. Pero lo vamos a hacer, si no protegen a sus trabajadores. Estamos vigilando”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Megarallies: 10 Years Later. Also, Wendy’s Boycott.

TUESDAY, MARCH 8. PROGRAM # 7734 12:00 PM PT Megarallies: 10 Years Later. A mega demonstration in Chicago on March 10, 2006 was the spark that ignited a Spring of megarallies throughout the US to protest anti-immigrant legislation HR 4437 in Congress. To mark the anniversary, attorney Rosalba Piña, leading organizers of the historic Chicago […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Fallo de la Suprema en favor de trabajadoras agrícolas por prácticas de intimidación

(Español) En 2013 un juez federal falló en favor estos trabajadores indemnizándolos con 1 millón 4 mil dólares por daños y perjuicios de parte de NW Management, propietarios de los huertos de trabajo y filiales de la compañía de seguros John Hancock, por violar la ley estatal que protege a los trabajadores del campo.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Women’s Victory in the Apple Orchards. Also, Remembering Berta Cáceres.

MONDAY, MARCH 7. PROGRAM # 7733 12:00 PM PT Women’s Victory in the Apple Orchards. One of the largest apple growers in the US has agreed to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to women farmworkers who claimed they were sexually harassed in company ranches over several years. The company has also agreed to ensure […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Jornaleros de Immokalee echan a andar boicot contra Wendy’s en Nueva York

(Español) Después de Columbus Circle marcharon a la lujosa Park Avenue, para movilizar la protesta ante las oficinas del presidente de la junta directiva de Wendy’s, Nelson Peltz, quien es también ejecutivo en jefe de Train Partners, un fondo de capital especulativo que mantiene las mayores acciones de Wendy’s.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Scalia’s Death and Vacancy.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16. PROGRAM # 7719 12:00 PM PT Scalia’s Death and Vacancy. Conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died suddenly over the weekend. It’s now up to the White House and the Senate to fill his seat. But the Senate leader has called Republicans to block any nomination. How intransigent will the confirmation battle […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Trabajadores migrantes H2B y lobby empresarial (última)

(Español) “Es importante que los trabajadores sepan de sus derechos, lo que políticamente está pasando en el Congreso, y todo lo que están ganando los patrones pagando menores salarios. ¡No es justo!”

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Guest Workers in the Crosshairs.

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4. PROGRAM # 7711 12:00 PM PT Guest Workers in the Crosshairs. In the recent omnibus budget bill, the US Congress included a provision that will expand the H-2B guest visa program while removing funds from the Department of Labor to make it harder for the agency to enforce key protections for those […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

The Trial of Andrés Cruz. Also, Bill to Stem Dairy Workers Deaths.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3. PROGRAM # 7710 12:00 PM PT The Trial of Andrés Cruz. A well-known leader of the Triqui community, farm worker organizer and immigration reform activist is in jail in California’s Salinas Valley accused of extortion against a fellow countryman on behalf of a Oaxacan armed group. Local activists are speaking up in […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Economic Crisis in Puerto Rico

The federal government has not approved a rescue plan. Lawmakers and politicians from the island demand an urgent economic response, not only from Congress, but also through immediate executive actions by President Barack Obama.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

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