
Latino Economic Power.

THURSDAY, JULY 20 PROGRAM # 8114 12:00 PM PT Latino Economic Power. A first of its kind study concludes that if the Latino GDP were a country, it would be the seventh largest in the world, larger than India, and ahead of Italy and Brazil. And it’s one of the most dynamic economies: the Latino […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

Latino Journey to Financial Greatness.

THURSDAY, JULY 13 PROGRAM # 8109 12:00 PM PT Latino Journey to Financial Greatness. In ten practical steps, the book “Latino Journey to Financial Greatness” guides Latino readers through the basic principles of financial literacy, how to prevent the most common money mistakes, and build a financial plan. From sealing a deal with a handshake […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Soplan vientos de deregulación

(Español) La administración Trump decidió retrasar hoy la entrada en vigor de una iniciativa de apoyo a extranjeros emprendedores en Estados Unidos, que impulsó el expresidente Barack Obama y que los ejecutivos de empresas de tecnología de punta esperaban comenzar a utilizar la semana que viene.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) De la Lucha a la Resistencia: El Impacto Económico de los Refugiados en Estados Unidos

(Español) “Si bien los refugiados aquí, de cinco años o menos tienen un ingreso familiar medio de aproximadamente 22 mil dólares, esa cifra se triplica más en las siguientes décadas, creciendo mucho más rápido que otros grupos nacidos en el extranjero”: Estudio.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Migrant Day Laborers Achieve Historic Deal in Washington State

After four years of disputes and strikes, a group of unionized farmworkers in Washington State won a contract agreement this week with the agriculture firm Sakuma Brothers Farms.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Texas Voter ID Law. Also, Wendy’s and Fair Food. Also, Comey’s Testimony. Also, Death by White Vigilantes.

THURSDAY, JUNE 8 PROGRAM # 8084 12:00 PM PT Texas Voter ID Law. After a federal judge ruled that Texas voter ID law intentionally discriminates against back and Latino voters, the state softened in recent days the voter ID requirements, considered the strictest in the nation. Texas’ lawyers face a new hearing this week on […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Trump quiere que los indocumentados evadan su declaración de impuestos

(Español) La propuesta del Presidente Trump relativa a los inmigrantes indocumentados, que se espera someta al Congreso, establece que a la hora de declarar impuestos se debe contar estrictamente con dos únicos requisitos: tener un número de seguro social, y estar autorizado legalmente para trabajar en este país.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Trump Budget.

THURSDAY, JUNE 1 PROGRAM # 8079 12:00 PM PT Trump Budget. President Trump’s budget plan, which would cut the taxes for millionaires and make deep cuts to social spending, is a threat against the economy of the Latino family, according to social leaders. Also, a new report says the House Republican health bill would leave […]

Posted in Economy, Education, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Negros, latinos y pobres, en el centro de la reforma al sistema judicial

(Español) “Quien trae el dinero al hogar son las personas encarceladas, la mayoría son mujeres, que son madres… y dejan solos a sus hijos.. salen sin destrezas y sin educación, ni esperanza.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Trump Proposes Less Social Spending, More on Deportation

Trump Proposes Less Social Spending, More on Deportation – This week, President Trump submitted his budget plan for 2018. The proposal includes billions of dollars in cuts to social spending on programs like Medicaid and nutrition assistance for the poor, and a strong boost in spending on border security.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

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