
(Español) Paro laboral toca la puerta de grandes supermercados en California

(Español) “A pesar de tener 30 años con la compañía, quisiera poder buscar otro part time…. Las empresas tratan de crear empleos de bajos salarios, una tendencia de las ventas al menudeo”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Uber and Lyft Drivers Close to Achieving Labor Rights in California

After traveling 500 miles over three days from Los Angeles to Sacramento, hundreds of Uber and Lyft drivers visited California’s Congress to demand support for AB5, a bill that would eliminate the classification of these drivers as “independent contractors,”

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

“The Young Hands that Feed Us”

Despite the fact that the United Nations has prohibited child labor, more than half a million children and teens work long and grueling hours in the rich agricultural fields of the United States.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth |

Latino Shops and the Threat of Rising Rents.

MONDAY, JULY 22 PROGRAM # 8655 12:00 PM PT Latino Shops and the Threat of Rising Rents. The rising costs of rent and housing in the San Francisco bay area are threatening mom and pop businesses in the traditionally Latino Mission neighborhood. Those shops that haven’t relocated are at high risk of being pushed out. […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Ante crisis de vivienda California evalúa política de “derecho a refugio” en NY

(Español) Defensores de los desamparados dicen que “el requisito de derecho a refugio salva vidas” al mantener a las personas más vulnerables fuera de las calles de la ciudad, donde los inviernos fríos y los veranos calurosos pueden ser mortales, como este fn de semana, que alcanzó en NY 110 grados Fahrenheit.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health |

Tackling the Growing Medical Bills. Also, Citizenship Question: Off the Census.

WEDNESDAY, JULY 3 PROGRAM # 8642 12:00 PM PT Tackling the Growing Medical Bills. A national health care analyst discusses a bipartisan bill moving through the US Senate aimed at helping protect families who are suffering from rising health care costs and poor quality care. How are these problems of paying for health care and […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) NY al frente de los derechos de los trabajadores del campo

(Español) Tras tomar el control del gobierno de Nueva York el año pasado, por medio de una oleada de fervor progresista, demócratas transforman la economía para los trabajadores agrícolas.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

Groundbreaking Protections for Farmworkers. Also, Coal Plants to Make a Comeback.

MONDAY, JUNE 24 PROGRAM # 8635 12:00 PM PT Groundbreaking Protections for Farmworkers. The New York Assembly and Senate passed farm labor bills that for the first time give farmworkers the right to unionize, collect overtime pay and unemployment benefits, and take at least one day off per week. Despite the opposition of the agricultural […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

(Español) Carwasheros de Nueva York a punto de obtener los $ 15 la hr. Pasa ley en el Senado

(Español) “La falta de aplicación y vigilancia de nuestras leyes de robo de salarios realmente ha permitido a sectores como el lavado de automóviles adoptar un modelo comercial de robo de salarios en el nivel nacional, como una forma estándar de operar sin ningún temor real de ser atrapados y castigados”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

Trump Hits Mexico with Tariffs on Imports. Also, Sponsors Leave Fresno Grizzlies Over Attack to Ocasio-Cortez.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 PROGRAM # 8622 12:00 PM PT Trump Hits Mexico with Tariffs on Imports. President Trump announced that, beginning June 10th, the US will impose a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports until Mexico cracks down on migrants trying to cross Mexico towards the United States. Mexico sent a high level delegation to […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

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