
Extra Edition: Small Business Plight.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 PROGRAM #9039 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Small Business Plight. A survey shows that small business owners feel that the fact that Congress and the White House are ignoring a Covid relief package shows that there is a disconnect between Washington and Main Street USA. Small shop owners talk about their plight […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

California’s Rent Control Initiative.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 PROGRAM #9035 11:00 AM PT California’s Rent Control Initiative. California is voting again on rent control. Proposition 21 would expand the housing units that could be covered by rent control to almost all, as long as they are more than 15 years old. Fears to a wave of evictions due to the […]

Posted in Economy, Elections, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Extra Edition: Orale Covid-19! Also, Farm Workers: Shortchanged.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 5 PROGRAM #9027 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Orale Covid-19! Medical researchers will soon be visiting farm working towns and neighborhoods in California’s Central Valley to offer free Covid-19 testing for farmworkers. In coordination with local community groups, clinicians and lab technicians will tour areas where coronavirus is out of control on mobile […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Demócratas impulsan su propio proyecto de ley de estímulo, sin muchas posibilidades

(Español) Mnuchin y otros funcionarios de la administración advirtieron que la oferta demócrata en su forma actual era “inaceptable”. Mientras, el líder del Senado, Mitch McConnell se mantuvo en gran medida ausente de las conversaciones, y “no pareció optimista sobre las perspectivas de un acuerdo”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Acuerdo a la vista actualizaría la Ley Héroes reducida, aunque no antes de las elecciones

(Español) Ambos partidos reconocen sin embargo que esta es la última semana para llegar a un acuerdo antes de que el Congreso se tome un descanso de aproximadamente un mes antes del día de las elecciones.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature |

Community Covid-19 Relief.

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PROGRAM #9015 12:00 PM PT Community Covid-19 Relief. After the coronavirus pandemic started taking thousands of lives and destroying livelihoods by the millions, and in the absence of a federal bailout for millions, a community-based network serving low-income families set out to raise money to help households in most need to pay […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta |

(Español) Aprueba la Cámara de Representantes con mayoría bipartidista acuerdo para evitar el cierre de gobierno

(Español) Los demócratas que apoyaron el acuerdo de préstamos a los agricultores enfrentan una elección para renovar sus puestos en el Congreso, tras haber desbancado a los legisladores republicanos que eran titulares de esas bancadas.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Redes de solidaridad colectivista para pasar la crisis, pero no para afrontar el retiro

(Español) “Ahorrar para el colectivismo es visto desde hace mucho tiempo como una práctica moral. Pero ahorrar para uno mismo, hasta el periodo moderno estaba asociada con la inmoralidad”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature |

The Elusive Relief Bill. Also, “The Financial Buoy.”

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 PROGRAM #9008 12:00 PM PT The Elusive Relief Bill. The federal government funding for the states’ jobless benefits is coming to an end. Meanwhile, in the Senate, parties are far apart on a possible plan to deal with the pandemic economic crisis. Still, recent comments by President Trump leave the door open […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Mexico Edition.

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 PROGRAM # 9004 12:00 PM PT Mexico Edition. Internationally acclaimed Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez released on digital platforms the album “Para la espera (For the Wait), which is dedicated to the memory of friends who recently passed away. The album is also a gift and a message of hope to those who […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Mexico, Politics |

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