
California and US Relief for Immigrant Families.

THURSDAY, APRIL 8 PROGRAM # 9221 12:00 PM PST California and US Relief for Immigrant Families.  California is giving relief to immigrant families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Undocumented immigrants can receive stimulus checks as long as they file taxes with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN.) Many Californians with ITINs may also receive two tax […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Extra Edition: Extra Help for Housing. Also, Extra Help for Health Care.

THURSDAY, APRIL 8 PROGRAM # 9220 11:00 AM PST Extra Edition: Extra Help for Housing. Due to job loss and financial hardships, about ten million households in the nation are behind on rent. Californians who are behind in rent and are at risk of eviction because of the pandemic can now apply for the California […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Vaccination Efforts and Street Vendors.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 PROGRAM # 9219 12:00 PM PST Vaccination Efforts and Street Vendors. As the vaccination campaign picks up pace in California and the United States, thousands of young people are getting vaccinated before schedule. Who can get the vaccine and where? A leading analyst comments on this and the news about the secondary […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

Federal and State Relief for Immigrant Families.

THURSDAY, APRIL 1 PROGRAM # 9214 12:00 PM PST Federal and State Relief for Immigrant Families. A federal tax official talks about the aid available for families of mixed immigration status under the American Rescue Plan, the checks available for families where both spouses are filing taxes with ITIN and the children are US citizens, […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Biden propone masivo plan de infraestructura

(Español) Los demócratas han dejado en claro que están dispuestos a repetir el mismo camino legislativo para aprobar el paquete de alivio económico, a través de la reconciliación presupuestaria.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Jobs |

(Español) Paneles voltaicos sobre canales abiertos en California contra el cambio climático

(Español) El ahorro de agua sería comparable a necesaria para regar 50 mil acres de tierras agrícolas, o para satisfacer las necesidades de agua residencial de más de 2 millones de personas, mientras que la electricidad generada sería equivalente a aproximadamente una sexta parte de la capacidad instalada actual en el estado.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) Anuncia senador Padilla fondos federales para centros de salud comunitarios en CA

(Español) “Al proporcionar casi mil millones de dólares a los Centros de Salud Comunitarios de California, podemos vacunar a nuestras comunidades más afectadas y difíciles de alcanzar. Por eso voté por el Plan de Rescate Estadunidense: porque es una inversión también para los californianos que más lo necesitan”.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Develará Biden multibillonario plan de reconstrucción de trabajos e infraestructura

(Español) Bernie Sanders quiere que Biden reduzca la edad de elegibilidad para Medicar, de 65 a 60 años, y que amplíe beneficios a personas mayores, para incluir atención dental, de la vista y audífonos. Lo que podrían pagarse permitiendo que el gobierno federal negocie por medicamentos recetados de menor precio.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health, Jobs |

Justice in Policing. Also, Relief Plans and Mixed-Status Families.

MONDAY, MARCH 29 PROGRAM # 9209 12:00 PM PST Justice in Policing. One year after the killing of Breonna Taylor by police at her home during a no-knock drug raid and on the heels of the House’s George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, a House legislation announced to correct police abuse and racial inequity, an […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Inmigrantes, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Muy cerca, los pagos de tiempo extra para campesinos en el estado de Washington

Farmworkers in Washington State Closer to Overtime Pay – The Washington State Legislature is about to pass a measure that would give most immigrant farmworkers overtime pay for time worked beyond 40 hours per week.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Inmigrantes, Jobs |

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