
Extra Edition: Dealing with the Nursing Home Crisis.

THURSDAY, JUNE 23 PROGRAM # 9662 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Dealing with the Nursing Home Crisis. At the beginning of the pandemic, nursing homes became the epicenter of Covid-19 deaths. This crisis had a disproportionate impact on facilities that serve predominantly Latinos and African Americans. Nursing home workers are feeling demoralized and burned out […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Línea Abierta, Politics, Health |

(Español) Aprueba Arizona presupuesto para gasto público en educación, agua y seguridad fronteriza

(Español) La Legislatura volverá a reunirse hoy jueves y según los demócratas se discuten por separado aproximadamente 335 millones de dólares para un muro fronterizo y 526 millones de dinero nuevo para fondos al K-12.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature, Youth, Politics |

Combating Deadly Heat Threat in the Fields.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22 PROGRAM # 9661 12:00 PM PT Combating Deadly Heat Threat in the Fields. Millions are under heat watches as a dangerous heat wave is warming the fields throughout the US South and Southwest. Exacerbated by climate change, temperatures for this summer season are expected to be worse than last one and outdoor […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Environment, Health, Jobs |

With Wildfires Looming, Insurers Urged to Update Policies

As more and more wildfires rage across the West, increasing numbers of families who lost their homes are finding out with surprise that their insurance coverage and emergency assistance are not enough to rebuild.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Buck, el padre de Arizona al que se le negó la atención, lo ha visto de primera mano al vender planes de Medicare a personas mayores. “He tenido personas mayores llorando al teléfono conmigo”, dijo. “Es horroroso”.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health |

Extra Edition: Health Workers Cooperative.

TUESDAY, JUNE 7 PROGRAM # 9645 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Health Workers Cooperative. Health care workers are in short supply and many people are feeling this severe shortage through canceled appointments and overcrowded hospitals. In response, a new organization, announced as the first worker-owned healthcare staffing cooperative, is recruiting and placing health care workers […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta, Health |

Archbishop García-Siller on Grieving Families and Gun Control. Also, Summit of the Americas.

MONDAY, JUNE 6 PROGRAM # 9644 12:00 PM PT Archbishop García-Siller on Grieving Families and Gun Control. In this exclusive interview, the Archbishop of San Antonio, Gustavo García-Siller talks about how he is being helping families of the children and teachers killed in Uvalde deal with their pain, the outpouring of goodness and solidarity from […]

Posted in Economy, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Environment, Politics |

Extra Edition: Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis(Repeat Program.)

TUESDAY, MAY 31 PROGRAM # 9638 11:00 AM PT Extra Edition: Facing a Wildfire Insurance Crisis(Repeat Program.) As more and more wildfires hit the West, survivors who lost their homes are finding insurance coverage and emergency aid is not enough to rebuild after the wildfire. Because of high insurance premiums, many buy limited coverage. In […]

Posted in Economy, Línea Abierta |

(Español) USDA invierte 770 millones para empresas y personas rurales en 36 estados y Puerto Rico

(Español) Ayudará a las empresas a contratar más trabajadores y a llegar a nuevos clientes en la actividad comercial. Y “abrirá la puerta a nuevas oportunidades económicas para comunidades y personas que históricamente han carecido de acceso a recursos y financiamiento críticos.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Jobs |

(Español) Criminales esquemas financieros roban miles de millones de dólares del desempleo

(Español) el Departamento de Desarrollo del Empleo (EDD), que ha estado luchando contra el fraude generalizado desde que comenzó la pandemia de COVID-19, dijo que delincuentes involucrados en esta nueva artimaña inundaron la agencia con 47 mil reclamos electrónicos sospechosos nada más en mayo.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature |

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