Arts & Culture

Fourth of July: Freedom and Tradition.

THURSDAY, JULY 4 PROGRAM # 8643 12:00 PM PT Fourth of July: Freedom and Tradition. Santa Fe is the oldest state capital in US soil and the site of the Santa Fe Fiesta, the oldest community celebration in the US, and many in New Mexico continue honoring musical and cultural traditions from the early days […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta |

Plans to Evict Immigrants from Public Housing Face Challenges. Also, Juan de Marcos.

MONDAY, JUNE 17 PROGRAM # 8630 12:00 PM PT Plans to Evict Immigrants from Public Housing Face Challenges. The Trump administration is pushing changes to HUD rules to limit immigrants in public housing and evict tens of thousands of children. Democrats in the House are responding with a bill to block the proposed rule that […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Immigration, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Lila Downs: “Al Chile.” Also, “Flipping the Tortilla.”

MONDAY, JUNE 10 PROGRAM # 8625 12:00 PM PT Lila Downs: “Al Chile.” Renowned Mexican singer and composer Lila Downs talks about her latest album “Al Chile,” featuring a mix of traditional and modern electronic sounds where she sings to food and women and speaks frankly about immigration. She was interviewed during a recent stop […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) O pagas, o te vas, el mantra de los dueños de alquiler en La Misión (última)

(Español) “Son muchos, está bien variado… yo llevo como 30 años viviendo aquí y el cambio ha sido impactante. Da miedo. Estamos luchando”.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Gentrificación golpea comercios y cambia hábitos latinos en La Misión

(Español) “Todos dicen, ‘Es que no podemos detener el cambio’. ¡Pero esto no es cambio! ‘No podemos detener el progreso’ ¡Esto no es progreso!”, explica Gaby.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

(Español) No todo está perdido tras el desalojo de pionero espacio de arte chicano

(Español) “No sólo es la cosa de traer artistas… es la población que va a estar directamente involucrada, quien tiene que definir la ruta para movernos hacia el futuro, hacia adelante”.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

Pioneering Chicano Arts Space Evicted.

THURSDAY, MAY 9 PROGRAM # 8603 12:00 PM PT Pioneering Chicano Arts Space Evicted. After almost 50 years as a community anchor in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District, influential gallery and arts collective Galería de la Raza was handed an eviction notice and forced to leave the building, which looks now abandoned and […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta, Politics |

“We Have Iré”.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 PROGRAM # 8602 12:00 PM PT “We Have Iré.” On the eve of the premiere of the theater work “We Have Iré,” a group of accomplished Afro-Cuban artists tell their stories of overcoming the challenges of immigration and finding success in the US through hard work and “iré,” the Lucumi word for […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta |

(Español) La gentrificación transforma la demografía de la Misión y expulsa a sus artistas

(Español) Un artista que ha vivido en la Misión por 30 años y utiliza la migración como eje de su trabajo artístico, amenazado por la gentrificación que convierte a ese vecindario en sólo para ricos.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature |

Murals of the Displaced.

THURSDAY, APRIL 11 PROGRAM # 8583 12:00 PM PT Murals of the Displaced. The San Francisco Mission District, widely known for the colorful murals that adorn hundreds of walls, is rapidly losing its artistic community to gentrification. And the iconic community murals, which for decades have paid tribute to the rich history and culture of […]

Posted in Arts & Culture, Línea Abierta, Politics |

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