Immigrant Families in the California Budget.
THURSDAY, JUNE 10 PROGRAM # 9284 12:00 PM PDT Immigrant Families in the California Budget. Policy makers are working against the clock to finalize California’s state budget amid a historic windfall. Many see this as an opportunity for California to make good to those essential workers who, while contributing to the state’s fast recovery, are […]
(Español) Concluye en México su primer misión diplomática la Vicepresidenta estadunidense
(Español) “Se buscará reforzar la presencia de la USAID y la Agencia Mexicana de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo con mecanismos de coordinación de proyectos conjuntos de inversión económica y social” en los referidos países de Centroamérica.
Immigration Edition.
TUESDAY, JUNE 8 PROGRAM # 9281 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. In her first international trip, Vice President Kamala Harris visits Guatemala and Mexico to begin talks about migration, corruption, economic development, climate and food insecurity as well as women’s issues. Plans include working on opening centers for migrants in Guatemala to offer legal services […]
(Español) Corte Suprema falla contra otorgar Green Card a ciertos titulares del TPS
(Español) “Sánchez no fue admitido legalmente y su TPS no altera ese hecho. Por lo tanto, no puede convertirse en residente permanente de este país”, dijo la jueza Kagan.
(Español) Vicepresidenta Harris deja Guatemala y llega a México, en su primera visita diplomática
(Español) La inseguridad junto con la miseria son un motor del éxodo hacia el Norte, preferible enviar a los hijos solos antes que verlos morir a manos de la delincuencia organizada o el hambre.
(Español) Luces y sombras sobre la misión migratoria de Kamala Harris
(Español) El domingo, el vuelo que transportaba a Harris y su comitiva a Centroamérica y México tuvo que retornar a la Base Aérea Andrews por un problema “técnico”. Esperemos que el falso despegue no sea un mal augurio de lo que podría estar por venir…
Vice President Kamala Harris Visits Guatemala to Discuss Migration and Corruption
US Vice President Kamala Harris travels to Guatemala this weekend, and her talks with President Alejandro Giammattei are expected to focus on the fight against corruption and its impact on refugees migrating to the north.
(Español) “Consultores” de inmigración asechaa a los inmigrantes, pero surgen inciativas de ley
(Español) “La Ordenanza de la ciudad crearía sanciones más estrictas, requiere que los consultores obtengan una licencia comercial y proporcionen un contrato escrito y firmado por los servicios”.
Immigration Edition.
TUESDAY, JUNE 1 PROGRAM # 9274 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. The Biden administration announced the closing of two detention centers in Georgia and Massachusetts, after revelations of widespread abuse, medical neglect and rights violations. At the same time, the Biden Administration has increased by 50% the number of people in immigration detention since coming […]
Military Families: Deportation and Reunification.
MONDAY, MAY 31 PROGRAM # 9272 12:00 PM PDT Military Families: Deportation and Reunification. After feeling betrayed by the US government, military families overcame the trauma of deportation and family separation and got reunited in recent days. The mom of a US Army officer and the wife of a veteran US Marine, both without criminal […]