Police Killing of Zapotec Teen; Police Reform.
MONDAY, AUGUST 2 PROGRAM # 9335 12:00 PM PDT Police Killing of Zapotec Teen; Police Reform. Police officers in Salinas, CA, shot and killed a farm-working teenager in Salinas when he was brandishing a toy gun in his home. Before the shooting, cops had shouted commands in Spanish. But the young man spoke only Zapotec, […]
Deadlock Ends on Infrastructure Package in the Senate; Leaders Urge Inclusion of Immigration Reform
After intense negotiations, the massive infrastructure package finally made it through the Senate after 17 Republicans aligned with the Democrats.
(Español) Administración Biden dice que devolverá rápido a las familias no elegibles para el asilo
(Español) Detuvieron a 55 mil 805 familiares y 15 mil 253 menores no acompañados en junio, frente a 44 mil 639 y 14 mil 158 en mayo, y sólo el 14% de las familias interceptadas en junio fueron expulsadas por orden de salud pública.
(Español) Inmigración: está por verse si el voto latino tolerará promesas incumplidas
(Español) De manera que descartar el efecto que pueda tener en un votante hispano actuar o no en materia migratoria podría ser un mal cálculo para los demócratas de cara a las elecciones intermedias de 2022. Sobre todo si involucra a los Dreamers.
Judge Closes DACA Program; Immigrants Pin Hopes on Congress
(Español) “Sólo pido a la audiencia de que…, estamos muy confiados que sí vamos a lograr algo, pero sigan llamando a sus senadores.ellos también necesitan escuchar más de nuestras historias”.
In Colorado, Mobile Vaccination Units Reach Out to Latinos
In Colorado, when the economy reopened, the vast majority of residents were already vaccinated against COVID-19.
(Español) Celebran importantes inversiones en la comunidad latina, por el superávit de California
(Español) “Queremos pedirles que usen esos programas para ayudar a nuestras comunidades; por favor, confíen en el sistema…”.
(Español) Demócratas cierran filas por una reforma migratoria dentro del paquete de infraestructura
(Español) “La gente inmigrante ha encontrado una infinidad de rutas distintas a sus destinos…”.
Extra Edition: Rent Relief Catch-22.
TUESDAY, JULY 20 PROGRAM # 9322 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Rent Relief Catch-22. In the Central Valley, some of the immigrant families hardest-hit by the pandemic were largely excluded from the government’s rent relief. The reason is many prioritized paying rent over food, medical care or utilities or went into debt and now they […]
Immigration Edition.
TUESDAY, JULY 20 PROGRAM # 9323 12:00 PM PDT Immigration Edition. The $3.5 trillion budget resolution to help the country recover from the Covid-19 pandemic includes funding for immigration policy changes, including legalization programs for immigrants and a path to citizenship for immigrant workers and their families. What immigration provisions are in the plan and […]