Hacia el Voto 2020

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9076 2:00 PM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9075 1:00 PM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9074 12:00 PM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the ballot […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

First Election Results.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 PROGRAM #9073   11:00 AM PT First Election Results. Correspondents from around the nation bring news on the first results of the historic election. They focus on the presidential election, the battle for the US Senate and US House, key Latino races for Congress and state office, and state measures in the […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Llegan al Congreso candidatos negros, transgénero, latinos y abiertamente homosexuales

(Español) “Mientras Delaware continúa enfrentando la crisis de Covid, es hora de ponerse manos a la obra para invertir en las políticas que marcarán la diferencia para las familias trabajadoras”.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Ben Ray Lújan es nuevo senador de Nuevo México

(Español) Desde sus comienzos, el mensaje central de su campaña siempre apuntó a los problemas de las familias trabajadoras para poner comida sobre la mesa; expandir la atención médica asequible, y crear buenos empleos así como atraer inversiones al estado.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

(Español) La noche del martes no arrojó certidumbres contundentes, pero sí algo de ansiedad

(Español) Dos estilos de hacer política han quedado plasmados: Trump, tratando de deslegitimar el sistema electoral y amenazado con demandar a los estados desde antes que concluir las elecciones. Y Biden instando a los votantes a evitar que Trump se robe un segundo mandato mediante litigio ante la Corte Suprema.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

Election Day: Hour 4.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 PROGRAM #9072 5:00 PM PT Election Day: Hour 4. Reporters bring news about the closing of the polls in some states and the beginning of the vote counting, including the first projections. While public opinion is used to speedy unofficial results on Election Night, this time the close elections in many states […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

Election Day: Hour 3.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 PROGRAM #9071 4:00 PM PT Election Day: Hour 3. Reporters bring news about the closing of the polls in some states and the beginning of the vote counting, including the first projections. While public opinion is used to speedy unofficial results on Election Night, this time the close elections in many states […]

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Línea Abierta, Politics |

(Español) Descubre juez 300 mil boletas retenidas en oficinas de correo y ordena una revisión en 12 distritos postales

(Español) Según el Times ya el viernes el juez Sullivan había ordenado al Servicio Postal tomar “medidas extraordinarias” para entregar las boletas. Y es que en 22 distritos la entrega puntual de boletas cayó por debajo del 90 por ciento la semana pasada.

Posted in Elections, Hacia el Voto 2020, Homepage Feature |

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