Homepage Feature

In California, Democrats Propose $25 Minimum Wage for Health Workers

If lawmakers approve the bill and Gov. Gavin Newsom signs it, one labor leader estimated, 1.5 million California workers could get a wage hike come January 2024.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Health, Jobs |

Proposal to Oversee Multi-Million-Dollar U.S. Investment in Central America

Almost one billion dollars of public and private funds will be invested in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, according to a recent announcement by Vice President Kamala Harris, who spoke to a group of businessmen in the capital city of Washington.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Debate on Limiting Extra Pay for Farm Workers in Washington State

In the northwestern state of Washington, a bill is being discussed that would modify recent overtime pay rules for its farm workers. The initiative, led by a Republican legislator, proposes that for 12 weeks a year, employers pay time and a half after 50 hours of work per week.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Jobs |

García Luna’s Fate Remains in Jury’s Hands

After a month of trial for conspiracy, drug trafficking, and lying to the U.S. government, the fate of Genaro Garcia Luna, the security strategist for the administration of Felipe’s Calderón, is in the hands of a jury of seven women and five men.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico, Criminal Justice |

(Español) Muerte por fentanilo golpea más a los latinos, pero no todo está perdido

(Español) “El acceso al Medical aquí en California puede ayudar a obtener tratamiento para la adicción… pero el acceso puede no ser inmediato y también hay problemas con el reembolso a los proveedores”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Latinos y otras minorías mueren por sobreosis en mayor proporción que los blancos

(Español) Aunque ha habido bastante progreso en el acceso a medicamentos para contrarrestar la adicción, “todavía nos falta bastante camino para descriminalizar y desestigmatizar las adicciones”, sobre todo en las comunidades de color.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Perdieron su casa con las inundaciones, y FEMA no dio la ayuda que prometió

(Español) “Al llegar a la casa de mi mamá estaba lloviendo, le avisé que tenía que evacuar, y luego comencé tocar como 15 puertas de los vecinos… mi papá tiene demencia… y al dejarlo en el carro, cuando regresé por él ya no estaba, se había bajado del carro y se nos perdió, y lo encontré en un vecindario que no conocía, en la oscuridad”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

(Español) California requiere que hospitales recurran a familiares cercanos de pacientes para decisiones médicas, cerrando un vacío de larga data

(Español) Sólo un tercio de los adultos estadunidenses tiene o bien instrucciones previas, que detallan lo que quieren sobre su atención médica.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Public Health Agencies Turn to Locals to Extend Reach Into Immigrant Communities

“The pandemic further heightened the importance of work with community-based organizations when governmental entities and their associated messages became hyperpoliticized, and less about health messaging and more about impact of health measures to individual rights and freedoms”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

New Mexico Proposes Free, Healthy Meals in its Public Schools

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is pushing an initiative to ensure that all students in the state’s public schools have access to free, healthy meals. The Healthy School Meals for All bill is currently under discussion.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Politics, Health |

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