Weekly Edition

California Bill would Change Suspension Policies; Oklahoma Tornado Survivor Tells Story; Human Rights Defenders Honored in Mexico.

CALIFORNIA BILL WOULD CHANGE SUSPENSION POLICIES – Every day, California schools suspend nearly 3,900 students, mostly African American and Latino. Most of the suspensions are for minor behavior issues, but a high number of those students end up dropping out of school or landing in jail. To take on this serious problem, the California Assembly […]

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

Calls for Sheriff Arpaio to Resign; Caravana Reunites Separeated Families; Native Americans Defend Clean Water.

CALLS FOR SHERIFF ARPAIO TO RESIGN – A federal judge declared Sheriff Joe Arpaio violated the Constitution by detaining Latinos based on racial profiling. The sheriff, considered by some the roughest in the United States, announced he will appeal. The decision also revived calls from Arizona groups demanding his immediate resignation. Valeria Fernández has more […]

Posted in Weekly Edition, Edición Semanaria Broadcast |

(Español) Trabajadores del Tomate Protestan contra Wendy’s; Buscan Aumentar Salario Mínimo; Arte Binacional contra la Violencia.

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(Español) Ex-Dictador Condenado a 80 Años por Genocidio; Madres Mexicanas Exigen Fiscalía Especial; Grupo de Danza Recuerda Historia de Guinea.

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Enmiendas Amenazan la Reforma; Jóvenes Enfrentan Retos de Salud Mental; Sacerdote Defensor de los Migrantes

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Posted in Weekly Edition, Immigration, Health |

(Español) Docenas de Miles Marchan por Reforma Migratoria; Una Entrevista con Jeb Bush; La Artista detrás de “La Migración es Bella”

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(Español) Usan a Boston Contra Reforma Migratoria; Piden a Congresista Defienda la Reforma; Suspenden Juicio contra Ex Dictador de Guatemala

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(Español) Llega Iniciativa de Reforma Migratoria al Senado; Buscan Cambiar Disciplina Escolar; Deportados en los Años 30 Piden Disculpa Pública.

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(Español) Decenas de Miles Exigen Reforma; Cantan al Cese de las Deportaciones; Violencia Crece en Acapulco.

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(Español) Congresistas Republicanos Oyen Testimonios de Inmigrantes; ¿Reforma Migratoria Unificará a Familias?; Piden Monumento para Víctimas de Violencia

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