Edición Semanaria Broadcast
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Gun Control Debate Resurfaces After Massacre in Las Vegas
*A Storm of Criticism of Trump after Visit to Puerto Rico
*All Eyes on Congress as DACA Renewal Period Ends
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Final Attempt by Republicans to End Obamacare Fails – Are Bipartisan Talks Ahead?
*Republican Congressmembers Called on to Take Sides on the Dream Act
*Through Dialogue, Seeking to Inspire – Not Punish – Young Students
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*New Earthquake Devastates Central Mexico
*Young Immigrants Repudiate Pact Between Democrats and Trump
*Programs to Train Doctors in Poor Communities Under Threat
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Trump’s Agreement with Democrats on DACA Spurs Political Storm
*Central Americans with Temporary Protected Status Eligible for Green Cards, Though Few Know it
*Mexican Parents Accuse Schools of Excessive Punishment for Children
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Houston Neighborhoods Contaminated in Flood: Will There be an Environmental Cleanup?
*Trump Repeals DACA as Young Dreamers Demand Action by Congress
*California to Approve Unprecedented Guarantees for Transgender Workers
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Federal Judge Blocks Anti-Immigrant Law in Texas
*After Hurricane Harvey, Immigrants Face Uncertain Future
*Presidential Pardon for ex-Sheriff Arpaio Causes Furor Among U.S. Latinos
*Trump Under Pressure Not to Cancel DACA Program
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Trump Threatens Government Shutdown if Border Wall Isn’t Funded
*Federal Judge Asked to Bring Back the First Deported DREAMer
*Once Seeking Refuge from Gangs, Immigrant Now Seeks Sanctuary from Federal Agents
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Latino Leaders Say Trump Condones those Implicated in Charlottesville Tragedy
*Back-to-School Season has Some Students More Stressed than Others
*Despite Outpouring of Support, Nurse and Husband Deported and Separated from their Children
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Death of Blueberry Farm Worker Sparks Unusual Protests
*Low Reimbursements for California Doctors Discriminates Against Latinos: Plaintiffs
*In L.A., Mariachi Plaza at the Epicenter of Evictions
Edición Semanaria (Weekly Magazine)
*Republicans Divided on the Way Forward After Health Plan Failure
*Debates over the Impact of 15-Dollar Minimum Wage
*Youth in Low-Income Community Get a Modern Skate Park