
Cobertura especial de Radio Bilingüe sobre la pandemia del Coronavirus/COVID-19

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(Español) Noticiero Latino: Condenan a la parlamentaria por negarse a actualizar el registro + Urgen a embarazadas vacunarse contra Covid 19 + Terminan protecciones contra desalojos en California, pero todavía tienen ayuda disponible

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Intensas negociaciones sobre planes de infraestructura + Vacunas de refuerzo + Poco más de un día para pagos de renta, servicios y horas suplementaria por Covid 19 en California

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Extra Edition: Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them? A Program Repeat.

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 PROGRAM # 9393 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them? A Program Repeat. US health authorities will begin distributing Covid vaccine booster shots in coming days as vaccine protection seems to wane over time. Who and why should get the booster shot? Is it necessary? When can you […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Incendio Windy enciende emergencia en pueblos del valle Central de California + ¿Porque los vacunados le tienen miedo a los no vacunados? 

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

(Español) Concluyen en California dos programas clave de seguridad social de la pandemia

(Español) Pero aunque la moratoria de desalojo en California termina este jueves, algunos condados del estado tienen leyes locales que seguirán impidiendo a los propietarios desalojar a los inquilinos de sus viviendas.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Economy, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Crisis hospitalaria causan no vacunados contra Covid-19 + Pronto votaran paquetes de infraestructura + Jueves, último día para dos programas de ayuda para afectados por la pandemia

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Dangerous Coronavirus-Related Illness Increases in California Children

Dangerous Coronavirus-Related Illness Increases in California Children – Hospitals in California’s Central Valley, already crowded due to the Delta variant of COVID-19, are now facing another crisis

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Homepage Feature, Health |

(Español) Noticiero Latino: Alerta por mala calidad del aire en Valle central de California FEMA promueve preparación contra desastres & 30 de septiembre dos fechas importantes a considerar   

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Extra Edition: Tips for Talking to Youth About Suicide.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PROGRAM # 9389 11:00 AM PDT Extra Edition: Tips for Talking to Youth About Suicide. In this repeat program: children and youth have been particularly affected by the pandemic. Their emotional, physical and academic wellbeing has been hit after isolation and remote learning. As they go back to school and readjust to […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Youth, Línea Abierta, Health |

Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them?

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 PROGRAM # 9390 12:00 PM PDT Covid Booster Shots: Who Needs Them? US health authorities will begin distributing Covid vaccine booster shots in coming days as vaccine protection seems to wane over time. Who and why should get the booster shot? Is it necessary? When can you get it? How effective is […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19, Línea Abierta, Health |

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