Author Archives: radiob

Todo a Pulmon | April 16, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 16 de abril!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |

(Español) Salud de Dientes y Encías es Clave pero Desigual

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Todo a Pulmon | April 2, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 2 de abril!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |

Todo a Pulmon | March 26, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 26 de marzo!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |

Todo a Pulmon | March 19, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 19 de marzo!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |

New Tool For People Exposed to Pesticides in SJV

Nayamin Martinez, director of the Central California Environmental Justice Network- CCEJN, came to La Hora Mixteca to share information on the risks of exposure to toxic pesticides. She explained what pesticide drift is and how it can affect not only farmworkers, but also residents of nearby fields and orchards, students at schools near fields, and […]

Posted in Hora Mixteca |

Todo a Pulmon | March 12, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 12 de marzo!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |

The Importance of Early Childhood Education

Our guest in this program was Dr. Lupe Jaime, Director of Care and Early Education at the Fresno County Office of Education. She is also a commissioner of the Fresno County First Five Commission. Dr. Jaime explained how a child’s brain develops and why it is so important for parents to talk and read to […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Todo a Pulmon | March 5, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 5 de marzo!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |

Todo a Pulmon | February 26, 2018

¡¡Lo que escuchaste (o te perdiste) este lunes 26 de febrero!!

Posted in Latin Alternative |