Author Archives: marcov

Radio Bilingüe to Broadcast Critical 2018 Candidates Forums – Continuing Latino Voter Engagement News Tradition

These special Elections 2018 broadcasts will air on all Radio Bilingüe stations in California including three full-power stations in the San Joaquin Valley – 91.5 KSJV Fresno, KMPO 88.7 Modesto-Stockton and KTQX 90.1 Bakersfield – as well as an additional 60 stations affiliated with the Latino public radio network around the state and nation.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Terminar las tarifas de libertad condicional juvenil, un paso adelante en la justicia criminal del Condado de Los Ángeles

(Español) “Un estudio de mil jóvenes halló que la cantidad de multas, tarifas y / o restitución aumentó significativamente la probabilidad de reincidencia dentro de dos años, incluso después de controlar la demografía y las características del caso”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Criminal Justice |

Valley fever medication poses added risk for pregnant women

She knows she’s lucky. At any time, her health could have swung in the other direction. And although the reasons why some people with the disease fare better than others remains a mystery for now, it’s an active area of research — something scientists hope to soon understand better

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Radio Bilingüe, Faith in the Valley Co-Host Town Hall in Fresno on Nunes vs Janz Congressional Race

Candidate Andrew Janz Confirmed for Oct. 17 Fresno Congressional Race
Town Hall hosted by Radio Bilingüe and Faith in the Valley
No Response to Date from Incumbent Rep. Devin Nunes

Posted in News Archives, Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Veta Jerry Brown proyecto de ley que hace frente a muertes por sobredosis en California

(Español) El uso de drogas en sitios de prevención de sobredosis “son intervenciones probadas, basadas en evidencia científica, que salvan vidas, previenen el VIH y las infecciones por Hepatitis C”. Además, “crean oportunidades para la atención médica y los servicios sociales. La gente morirá y los californianos sufrirán…”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health, Criminal Justice |

(Español) Intenta la administración Trump derogar importante regulación ambiental

(Español) Partidarios y opositores de la propuesta creen que es probable que la Corte Suprema la defienda, especialmente con la inminente confirmación del juez Kavanaugh al máximo tribunal. En su disidencia de 2014 al fallo sobre el mercurio, Kavanaugh escribió: “Los beneficios de esta regla están en disputa”.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment, Health |

At the Polls, Anger Over Excessive Rents and Evictions

Complaining of lack of support from the municipal government, affected residents and activists from the city of Santa Ana in conservative Orange County have launched a campaign.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Republicans Move to Confirm Kavanaugh Following Hasty FBI Investigation

After a short, hurried investigation, the FBI indicated that it had failed to corroborate the sexual assault allegations against President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination, Brett Kavanaugh.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

(Español) Comidas No Bombas, tiene lugar en el enclave Caracol de Tijuana

(Español) Hasta 120 migrantes indocumentados en busca del ‘sueño americano’, varados en Tijuana, llegan a come gratis de lunes a jueves gracias a la solidaridad social organizada.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Demands for Justice Revived on 50th Anniversary of Tlatelolco Massacre

This October 2nd marked the 50th anniversary of the Tlatelolco Massacre in which Mexican troops and security forces fired on thousands of unarmed students at a pro-democracy rally in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in Mexico City.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico |