Author Archives: marcov

(Español) Comienzan en Nueva York deliberaciones en el juicio del “Chapo” Guzmán

(Español) Genaro García Luna, exsecretario de seguridad pública bajo el gobierno de Enrique Peña Nieto y ahora el máximo funcionario de seguridad del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, es acusado de aceptar un soborno de 3 millones de dólares en 2005 para permitir la fuga del Chapo de una prisión de alta seguridad.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Mexico, Criminal Justice |

Toxic Lead Dust

A family devastated by pollution from tons of lead dust and other toxic metals spewed out for decades by the battery recycling factory Exide has organized a forum with health and environmental researchers to assess the current state of the area, which is being cleaned up by the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC).

Posted in Homepage Feature, Environment |

California’s First Charter School Strike Ends

This week saw the end of the first charter school strike in California. A group of 80 teachers from the charter school network known as Accelerated Schools, organized under United Teachers Los Angeles, demanded job stability and an end to dismissal without the right to arbitration. The agreements reached include better health insurance and a severance package for teachers.

Posted in Economy, Education, Homepage Feature |

(Español) Precarias, las negociaciones en el Congreso para evitar nuevo cierre de gobierno

As negotiators from both parties in Congress seek agreements on a border security package, President Trump continues to threaten to shut down the government again or declare a state of emergency to appropriate funds to build the border wall if Congress does not deliver.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Teacher Promotes Racial Tolerance Using Technology

Teacher Promotes Racial Tolerance Using Technology – In the last five years, hundreds of thousands of children and young people have sought asylum in the United States fleeing violence and extreme poverty in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

New Covered California Sign-Ups Plummet

On his first day in office, California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom called for a state-based mandate, which would require all Californians to have health coverage. The legislature would have to approve it, which isn’t guaranteed even with a Democratic majority because the mandate was one of the least popular provisions of the Affordable Care Act.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Migrants Say They Pay For Inclusion On ‘La Lista’ To Make Border Crossing

At the Gateway, the mother and daughter got on another list, whose management is also plagued by bribery, according to the ACLU’s Seifert and to two African migrants who spoke to The Appeal. Both said they had been stuck in Matamoros for almost two months while their places on the list were constantly “sold” to Cubans.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Migrants Endure Brutal Conditions in Border Encampments

But it is the conditions in the encampments and highway checkpoints that heighten migrant suffering. A Border Patrol agent, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Appeal that the space where Felipe was kept at the New Mexico checkpoint was “no bigger than a bedroom” but since the fall of 2018 has been packed with migrants because of overcrowding at other CBP facilities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Cuando el futuro nos alcanza: la agricultura, orillada al dilema de la robótica o las H-2A

(Español) Los trabajadores agrícolas, las personas que hacen el trabajo de cultivo agotador que al parecer nadie más quiere hacer, están aplastados entre las fuerzas del mercado y la acalorada retórica de la Casa Blanca sobre inmigración, sin una solución fácil a la vista.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Immigration |

(Español) Trump dobló las manos, pero seguimos a merced de su próxima pataleta

(Español) A estas alturas, sólo un cegado fanático es incapaz de reconocer que Trump sólo quiere a Trump. Que poco le importa a quién se lleve por delante para hacer realidad los delirios que disfraza de política pública.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |