Author Archives: chuy

Youth Talk About Coronavirus part 1

Alza Tu Voz / Speak Out youth radio project participants engage in a round table discussion about how they are dealing with the shelter at home order, adapting to taking classes online and the different activities to avoid getting depressed. Guests: Roco Contreras, Andrea Martinez, Alejandra Miranda, & Angel Ramon

Posted in Youth Focused |

Ways cities are responding to Corona Virus Pandemic

Cities are taking action to prevent the spread of coronavirus to its constituents and providing minimal access to person to person services. Also making most available on online. Guests: Patricia M Barajas-Salinas City Clerk andOficial Miguel Cabrera Vocero del Departamento de Policía de la Ciudad de Salinas, María Orozco, Alcaldesa / Presidenta Municipal / Mayor […]

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

Chronic Diseases, Corona Virus Exercise & Nutrition

The coronavirus symptoms, how its spreads, and preventative measures. Exercise and balance nutrition are essential to prevent chronic diseases. Guests: Doctor Chris Carrillo, Natividad Medical Center in Salinas California, and Norma Ahedo y Joseline Isalas, Community Promoters at the Center for Community Advocacy

Posted in Coronavirus/COVID-19 |

High students trusted messengers for Census 2020

Salinas Union High District students in Salinas, CA talk about their role as trusted messengers in this Census 2020. Teachers and students get inform about the importance of the Census 2020 as part of their civic engagement curriculum. Guests: Alisal High School teacher Ms. Carla Gonzalez, students Diana Chombo, Jennifer Lopez, Ashley Mosqueda, and Marlene […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Mental Health: Infant Trauma

Recent studies have shown that when an infant witnesses a traumatic event like domestic violence, shootings, or even fights, it can affect their brain development or can cause problems for life. With stable relations and support from mental health services to the minor trauma can be prevented or even reverse the damage. Guests: Yessica Rodriguez, […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Bilingual and Multilingual Education

After voters approved Proposition 58 in 2016 public schools in California are now allow to establish non English-only education programs. At universities like CSU Monterey Bay are creating programs to assist school districts in the area in creating equitable and sustainable educational opportunities for their English Learner students. Guest: Suzanne Garcia-Mateus, Ph.D – Assistant Professor […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Immigrants & Public Charge

The significance of the “Public Charge” law and it’s affects to those who plan apply for legal status in the U.S. or depend on the public assistance program like MediCaid, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or CALFRESH in California or the supplemental social security income among other services. Guests: Georgina Guzman, Representative from the Employment Development […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Youth Civic Participation: Empower Watsonville

Youth participants from Empower Watsonville Service Learning Group a program of Pajaro Valley Prevention and Students Assistance, talk about their work about the dangers of tobacco and e-cigarettes, community engagement, and youth leadership conference. Guests: Patricia Mata, Special Projects both from Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance in Watsonville, CA and the youth participants of […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Know Your Rights

“Knowing Your Rights” if you come in contact with a ICE agent or police officer.   The aggressive politics on immigration by the Administration Trump against undocumented continues to create fear on many communities.  In recent days states throughout the U.S. have seen the presence of Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) officials. Guests:  Ricardo Nuñez, Immigration […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Planning for Complete Count Census 2020

Many communities around the country are preparing to count every resident for this Census 2020. Representatives from the City of Salinas, California share ideas of the importance to participate in the Census 2020. Guests: Adam Garrett, Assistant Planner | Advanced Planning Division, and Luis Ochoa Community Development Analyst City of Salinas, California

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |