Author Archives: chuy

Campaign to Replace Arpaio Lacks Funds

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Posted in Noticiero Latino, Politics, Latest News |

Campaign Launched in New York Against Assault Weapons

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Posted in Noticiero Latino, Politics, Latest News |

(Español) Pese a su clara inocencia, ¿por qué sigue preso Patishtán?, claman sus abogados

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Posted in More News, Latest News |

Ted Cruz–path to the White House?

(Español) A Ted Cruz, el nuevo senador de Texas,lo describen latino. Lo ubican en la lista – todavía reducida, pero promisoria- de políticos hispanos que vaticinan grandiosas promesas en el partidoRepublicano.

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(Español) Feminicidios en México: 20 años de impunidad

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(Español) Piden que se agilice el proceso por una reforma migratoria

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(Español) Mayoría en California apoya control más estricto para armas de fuego

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(Español) Aprueba el Senado la reforma a la ley de víctimas; AN, inconforme

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Posted in More News, Latest News |

Case in Tres Marías Still Open

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Posted in Mexico, Noticiero Latino, Latest News |

Mexican Families Seek Alternatives to Remittances

With the economic crisis and a rise in deportations, many Mexican migrant workers in the United States are having a harder time sending remittances home to their families. Some migrants who have returned to their hometowns, and their family members, are seeking economic alternatives in their own communities. Vladimir Flores reports on an economic development […]

Posted in Mexico, Latest News |