Author Archives: chuy

(Español) Horas de Enfermedad Pagadas por COVID/ Rediseño de Distritos Electorales en CA.

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Safe Routes To Schools

On this edition the focus of the program was about the Safe Routes to School, a program developing and creating safer options for students to get to schools. Guests: Ariana Green, Senior Transportation Planner with the Transportation Agency For Monterey County, Marco Pena, CSUMB student who helped designed the Play to Learn Kit project, and […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Covid 19 Rent Relief Program

The California Department of Housing and Community Development launch the CA Covid 19 Rent Relief program to assist with rent and utilities. Visit: Guest:  Gustavo Velasquez, Director at California Department of Housing & Community Development

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Mental Health Resources and Covid19

  Don’t let the current situation of Covid 19 get the best of your emotional health. Seek for resources in your community that can help you cope with it. Guests: Norma Ahedo, Health Promoters Coordinator, Marta Ortega and Alma Garcia, Health Promoters at Center for Community Advocacy (CCA)

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Nutrition During Time of Crisis

 County’s food banks work to assist during this time of crisis. They provide programs that assist with a balance diet to be healthy. Guest: Delia Bernal, Nutrition Program Manager at Second Harvest Food Bank in Santa Cruz County

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

“Our lives are on the line.” Will Young Latino Voters in California get out to vote?

On the low levels of participation among young voters, Ayón points to the traditional vote model. It predicts the likelihood of someone voting on a person’s proximity on factors like age, income, and educational level, all of which are less attributable in young voters.

Posted in Elections, Homepage Feature, Inmigrantes, Youth, Politics, Latest News |

Should cops be in schools? Police reforms divide a community in California.

(Español) La falta de diversidad entre los oficiales de policía de Fresno, que no deben responder a las llamadas de salud mental y la inmunidad calificada deben terminar, llegaron finalmente a un consenso.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Justicia Racial, Criminal Justice |

Tenant and Landlord Protections In Time of Covid19

Community leaders from Communities Organized for Relational Power in Action (COPA) in Santa Cruz County talk about their efforts to extend the protection for tenants. Sasha Harnden, Attorney with Inncer City Law explains California’s new law that protects tenants and landlords. Guests: Mariaelena Manzo y Jorge Zavala, Community Leaders from COPA y Sasha Harnden, Attorney at […]

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Preparing for Election Day

Elections Department in every county is preparing for Election Day getting ready all the documentation ready for all the voters, the ballot, the voter’s guide and information on ways to cast your vote. Guest: Ayna Gutierrez, Program Manager and Outreach Services from the Monterey County Elections Department.

Posted in Youth Focused |

Transportation Agency Monterey County Passenger Rail Public Survey

Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) seeks input from the Spanish-speaking community on the new passenger train service in the county. Guest: Stefania Castillo, Transportation Planner for Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC)

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |