Author Archives: chuy

Poorest county in California leaves uninsured in limbo

(Español) Under the Affordable Care Act, a million and a half of uninsured Californians should be covered by public health insurance before 2016. To prepare, the state began its Bridge to Reform, funded in part by the federal government. Ten counties, as diverse as San Francisco in the North, Orange in the South, and Kern in the Central Valley, are insuring low and middle-income residents. In Fresno County, with the highest poverty in the state, county supervisors decided not to enter the program. Our reporter Farida Jhabvala Romero has this report from Fresno.

Posted in Topics, Health |

Immigration Enforcement Policies Affect Childrens’ Health

Hundreds of thousands of American children are suffering withdrawal, aggression, separation anxiety, and symptoms consistent with PTSD, because of the wave of detentions and deportations of parents. “From a mental health perspective, the only categories we have to speak about this are depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, ADHD, but I feel that those categories do not truly honor what is happening at a national level,” said Maria Jose Soerens. “In those conditions, to be honest, there is not much we can do as mental health professionals. The source of the stress is completely outside of the family. How can you teach a child to cope with conditions that are completely outside of anyone’s power?”

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Health |

California’s Fair School Funding

As part of the School for Success Express tour throughout California, On Monday, November 4, 2013 in Los Padres Elementary School in the City of Salinas students, parents, teachers, and activists share with educational leaders how to improve schools using the 18 million coming to Salinas Schools by 2020. This funding made available through California’s […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

<!–:es–>Una "tarjeta postal" sonora del Día de los Muertos<!–:–><!–:en–>An audio "postcard" from Day of the Dead<!–:–>

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Mexico |

Republican Valadao hesitant to join comprehensive immigration reform push

(Español) Aunque saluda el apoyo que su homólogo republicano Jeff Denham dio al proyecto de reforma migratoria HR 15, el congresista David Valadao, del valle de San Joaquín, CA, dijo a Samuel Orozco que por lo pronto no se sumará a ese respaldo… que tiene problemas con el lenguaje del proyecto.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Latest News |

Experts Answer Questions about Health Insurance Marketplaces

Almost a month after the enrollment period began for the health insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act, the webiste of continues to be plagued with technical problems. On Radio Bilingüe’s national talkshow Línea aBierta, two experts discussed the issue and how to apply without relying on the website.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

CNN Host Undergoes Double Mastectomy

In May 2013, Zoraida Sambolin found out she had breast cancer. In both breasts. The popular journalist from CNN shared her emotional story last week on Radio Bilingüe’s Línea Abierta.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Health |

Community Dialogues to Stop Violence

Community Dialogues on Violence Prevention are showcased in this production — The Board of Supervisors for Monterey County, CA held four community dialogues in four different cities. Two Radio Bilingüe KHDC Salinas youth radio participants attended the forum in Salinas on May 9, 2013. The Youth Producers interviewed local political leaders, teachers, parents and youth […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Zero Tolerance School Policies

Three of the youth participants in the Radio Bilingüe KHDC Youth Radio Project interviewed school administrators, teachers, students and parents about their opinions on zero tolerance policies in the discipline plans and practices at schools.  This feature includes comments gathered, as well as information about school discipline raised during two related talk shows on restorative […]

Posted in Youth Focused |

Talking About Sex Education

Teens have many questions about sexuality, but they commonly receive misinformation based on myths from their peers, the media, and other sources. Often parents also do not provide their teens with accurate information (or any information at all). This feature centered on how and from whom teens get information about sex and how they and […]

Posted in Youth Focused |