Author Archives: chuy

Altar Celebrates Latino Neighborhood in the Face of Gentrification

In Boyle Heights, a symbolic Latino neighborhood, youth build an altar to express their concerns about displacement.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Latest News |

Barred from Voting in Texas

Close to 600,000 registered voters in Texas could be rejected at the polls in Texas. Trapped in limbo because of the state’s voter i.d. law are people like César Romeo Villarreal.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics, Latest News |

<!–:es–>Continúa devastación y carencia de servicios en Baja California Sur<!–:–>

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Mexico, Topics, Noticiero Latino |

The Segregation Fallback: Charters

“One of the ways segregation has manifested is parents who have been denied access to their local schools are increasingly choosing charter schools,” says Ujju Aggarwal, researcher with the City University of New York.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature |

<!–:es–>Caravana de ex braceros exige justicia a gobierno mexicano <!–:–>

This entry is only available in Español.

Posted in Topics, Noticiero Latino |

How to close the college gap

Two thirds of white students who enter public universities graduate with a bachelor’s degree in five years or less, compared with less than half of African-American and Latino students. What are three public universities doing to change this trend?

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature |

From Dropout Factory to College-Student Incubator

The story of a school district that almost eliminated its dropout rate, while at the same time encouraging all its students to start taking college classes while still in high school.

Posted in Education, Homepage Feature |

The Day After: Implementing Immigration Reform

A plan of action to implement comprehensive immigration reform, once it is approved, in California’s San Joaquin Valley, including reaching all those eligible to apply for legalization, and supporting them throughout the process.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Latest News |

Defining Our Cities Economic Development Plan

Youth radio participants attending a meeting on how the residents of the City of Salinas define their economic development plan. Community was welcome to express their ideas in education, workforce, youth employment, business, and quality of life.

Posted in Youth Focused |

Youth, actors of their own history

Re-Alisal Stories from Acosta Plaza is a documentary theater project in east Salinas, CA to celebrate the lives of families living in Acosta Plaza. We all have a story to tell, the project invited those living in that part of the community to participate and be the actors of their own history. What is your […]

Posted in Youth Focused |