Author Archives: chuy

Drinking Fountains Installed to Fight Obesity

Concerned about the lack of clean drinking water in many rural areas of California, a coalition of organizations is installing drinking fountains of filtered water in certain communities.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Youth, Environment, Health |

Couple Separated by Deportation Marries On the Border

More than nine years ago, Emma Sánchez was deported to Mexico and forced to live separated from her three children and her husband, a U.S. marine. Now the couple married again in Tijuana, in a religious ceremony alongside the border fence.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration |

Heath Illness

Elizabeth Mazno, Associate Cal/OSHA Engineer provides information about the California Heat Illness Prevention Standards. Water. Rest. Shade.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Health Effects of Secondhand Smoke

Health effects of secondhand smoke and laws that protect tenants that live in apartment blocks.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

In Settlement, Sheriff Arpaio Does Not Admit Responsibility

Almost all the charges brought against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio by the Department of Justice ended with a legal settlement in which Arpaio does not admit responsibility. There is still a separate case pending that accuses Arpaio of contempt of court.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Politics |

Cuban Flag Flies Again Outside Embassy in Washington, D.C.

The ceremonial opening of embassies was an emotional moment for many, but next steps for the two countries’ relations are unclear.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Politics |

Safe Transportation for Agriculture Workers

On this edition of Comunidad Alerta the discussion was focused on the safety standards, rules and regulations for the transportation of agricultural workers.

Posted in Comunidad Alerta |

Young People Push for Anti-Wage-Theft Law in California

The bill would give the California Labor Comissioner the tools to demand that companies pay a bond if they have been ordered to pay backwages and still have not.

Posted in Economy, Homepage Feature, Youth, Politics, Latest News |

Dreamer Youth Travel to South to Promote Latino Vote

The young people will be talking with civic groups and lawmakers about the importance for their families of President Obama’s immigration measures, DACA and DAPA.

Posted in Homepage Feature, Immigration, Youth, Politics |

Son Huasteco Brings Joy to Migrants and Young People in San Francisco Bay Area

“Doing this, I feel like this is part of Mexico, too,” says immigrant worker Héctor Plascencia.

Posted in Arts & Culture, Homepage Feature, Youth, Latest News |